You've picked your fight

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Monday, at around lunch (12:00)-Pitcairn Islands POV

My friend contacted England's military. They told me this morning when they came to make sure I was okay after the... you know.

Any loud noises scare me now. My paranoia ever increasing. It sucks, really. I don't want to react the way I do, I just can't control it. A random loud bang, I'll jump out of my skin.

This attack definitely affected me more, though. I assume because five of my islands are now gone. This can't be healthy for me or my people just anything to do with the Pitcairn Islands in general. Not healthy. I think the worst thing is the feeling of being sick but never actually being sick. I hate it. I hate the bomb. I hate the radiation. I hate the country that's doing this to me... I just want to have a normal life like other countries... but no... I'm a colony... a territory belonging to someone else...

The greed in this world makes me sick.
And the thirst for vengeance, just as much.

I sit on my bed. I'm scared about what will happen to the other territories... I've updated them on everything. The ones that reply, of course. I was told that Gibraltar hadn't replied to my last letter... I barely knew Gibraltar but I know he's older than me by... 86 human years, I think. It's hard to remember all of the British Overseas Territories and their date of discovery but I try, especially with what's happening now. The messages seem to work, though. Territories reply, some respond concerned for me and others sound like they don't believe any of it. I can't really blame them for thinking that, though. The world is so developed it's hard to think such a thing. But if the internet, something I do not trust, reported on the real events in the world, events that mattered, maybe it would seem more believable. So much happens around us that nobody notices. Some people report on incidents that have been happening for years and have caused thousands of deaths like it only became a problem yesterday.

There will be no one to tell my story though. I'm not a big country like... The US or China, for example. I'm just a few random small islands in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean. Ask someone, even a country, to point to me on a map; they most likely will have no idea where I am. Heh... only my people will know... Know that I let them down as their nation... I just hope what happens won't be too bad. But with these bomb attacks, I highly doubt it.

I shuffle restlessly in my bed. I look towards the notepad on my bedside table. I already scribbled my thoughts into it earlier on. The sight of it reminds me of Falklands. She liked sketching out landscapes in her sketchbook of hers. She was really good at it too. Always scared to colour it in as she felt she would ruin it, but she never did. I wonder what happened to her. We haven't had contact in a long time now. She's one of the territories not responding and that makes me scared. She's tough and stubborn but that's what I fear. Her slight arrogance and recklessness may be the thing that gets her hurt if another country happened to claim her land. Britain had adapted to her quickly. He was use to dealing with crazy nations and territories so he knew how to act. Falklands and him had a pretty good bond too. When was the last time I even saw Britain? There's no chance of me seeing him now, but maybe his mainland territories? It would be an interesting experience, talking to them. Would they have Britain's memories or be completely new to the world? I wonder.
Huh, time flys by when you're distracted in your own thoughts by the looks of it. I've been thinking to myself for an hour. Kind of crazy.

I suppose I should do my check of the island now... we'll see how this goes then. I know it will cause me pain but I always want to make sure my island is okay. Walking around it makes me happy too. Proud to be the nation that represents it. So even if I'm not in the right state, I'm still doing my daily walk and check around the island.

Yeah, I ain't giving away the identity of this mystery country just yet...
Mystery Country's POV

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