A Day At The Mall, Part Two

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We pull up to the mall, and I park the car. Getting out, I spot Monika's green Camry in the parking lot. It was like a sore thumb, standing out among everyone else. Sayori and I walk into the mall, hand in hand, and quickly spot the others. Natsuki has bags already in hand, and Yuri apparently has a...pen? She pulls on it a little bit and a blade is unsheathed. One of those new pen-knives, but I can't figure out why she'd need one. Monika has a couple of bags too, with assorted items. "Hey, dude!" Natsuki calls out, waving her bags in a motion to come towards her. "Where do we start?" I ask, looking lost among the seemingly endless flood of stores and assorted food stores. "Well, I know a cool manga store near here, and a couple of anime stores." Natsuki suggests. "I know a book store that sells tea as well.." Yuri shyly suggests, catching on to Natsuki's idea. "I don't know, but anything's cool with me!" She says cheerily. "Same here, Y/N!" Sayori exclaims, hugging me from behind, my ribs groaning with ache. Forgot to take my pills today, apparently. "I know! Why don't we split up? Pick a group, and we'll decide!" I say, uselessly attempting to pry Sayori's vice grip off of me. Natsuki joins Yuri, and Monika steps over to us. "See you later, guys!" I call out, waving to the two others. 

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