Monika's Talk

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Announcement: I have a coauthor, JustAnotherPan-try, and she will be helping me write this beast. Anyway, the story:

Sayori's POV:

After the hospital, therapy and everything else, Monika offered to get something to eat. We pile into Monika's car, and on the way, she strikes up a conversation.

"So, Sayori."

I don't really want to talk, so I keep shut.

"You're lucky to have someone like Y/N, ya' know?"


"I really wish he chose me, though.."

What?! Did...did she just...she..

"Really shouldn't leave him hanging like that, Sayori..."

How DARE she! How dare you remark about that!

"Although I wouldn't half mind if it was just me and Y/N~"

What did you just say?!?! I try to move and grab her throat, but I can't move. She has a black console open, and she quickly dashes her fingers across it, and then she laughs. "Haha~! Wouldn't want us BOTH dying, now would we?" She remarks, a devilish, pure grin spread on her face. I can't talk, but she can. She materializes a pen and paper, and frees my arms to move.

Was it you?

"Was it me? What was?"

My depression. Was it you?

"Uhuhu! Not originally, but I did make it worse~! And I did it all for Y/N."


"I told you, I did it all for Y/N."

He'll never fall for a psychopath like you, Monika.

"Ahaha! You'd be suprised, Sayori. I have a line and a half of guys drooling over me at school, and he's no different. He will be mine."

How do you know?

"The script demands it."

Damn her script. I just hope he can get wind of this.

Damn your script, Monika, and you too. Plus, you never answered my question. Why did you make it worse?

"I always was lonely in love. But when I saw Y/N, my heart was pounding out of my chest. And then I saw him with you, Sayori. And now you have to die."

He'll never do anything for you. He'll get wind of this.

"And then what? Kill me? Afraid that won't happen, Sayori. I can make everyone's life a living hell with just a snap of my fingers."

You aren't that powerful, Monika. Your head is your Achilles Heel.

"You're right. I'll just have to make sure that no one knows."

A string of text appears before her.

_console_wipe_memory_sayori.chr, P_d6rfk5eo357sh3y9?


Exucuting command...

Memory wiped.

I wake up. "Hey Monika! Where are we going?" I ask.

My Angel - Sayori X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now