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Y/N's POV:

I storm out of the restroom, out into the cafe. "Monika!" I yell, scanning the crowd for her. I spot her, and begin walking towards her, more eyes drawn to me with each step. Monika snaps her fingers, and the crowd suddenly drops. The sight before me is terrifying. Monika is hovering, wires springing out of her back, and she has Sayori hanging by two wires. Her eyes have lost their classic emerald sparkle, but have been replaced by black irises, and there are cracks crawling from her eyes, trailing around to her neck, with code shown in them.

Sayori's eyes have gone dull, and her skin is pale. The sky fades into void black, and Monika floats towards me. "Why didn't you choose me, Y/N? I tried and tried to get you to look up, but you went for her." She calls out to me. She then sends a wire towards me. I expect it to miss, but then feel a pain run through me. It's a wire. And it's in my stomach.

Blood forces it's way through my throat and out my mouth, and Sayori tumbles to the floor, regaining breath. Monika sends a wire through my shoulder, then my upper abdomen. The last wire coils around my neck, squeezing like a cobra. "If I can't have you, than she can't either!" Monika screams, then coils it tighter, lifting me in the air. "I-i can't breathe.." I choke out. Suddenly, I drop to the ground. Sayori threw a chair at the wire.  I then charge at Monika, and then a blinding pain sears throughout my entire body. I look down to see a blood stained wire, through my chest. I run up the wire, trying to grab Monika. She then throws me into a table. I can barely move, as I've lost at least a ¼ of my blood.

I then spot Sayori grab one of her wires and wrap it around Monika's neck, dragging her backwards. "Look what you've done, Monika! Is this what you want, death to the one you say you love?! If you love him, you'd never do anything to harm him! Nothing!! Take one good look! Tell me, is this your heart's desire?! Is it?!" She yells at Monika. "No, Sayori. But you are his focus. And that's my role!" Monika screams, and then plunges a wire into her heart. She drops. No. No. NO. NO. NO! NO!!

I charge up, and Monika attempts to stab me again, but I grab the wire and shatter it. I then slam her into a brick pillar, and grab a wire. "Y/N, I love you so much, I did everyone else away, just so we can be togeth-!!! " She starts saying, before I take the wire and plunge it into her stomach. She doubles over, then lays on the ground, in a pool of crimson. 

Sayori isn't moving. The look says that the soul inside is losing grip. Suddenly, she coughs up some blood, and her eyes going to a dull blue-gray to a slightly less dull blue. "Sayori!'re okay. Thank you, so, so much!" I cry out, tears flooding my cheeks. "If it's for you, Y/N.. I don't care what it takes. I'll stick around." She says. Suddenly, she is lifted up by a blur, then it focuses into vision. A blooded wire runs through her stomach. Monika.

She drops, and I get up. I feel no emotion anymore. Just rage. Pure, unbridled fury. "Monika. You've meddled in this world for too long. Time for you to take your leave." I mutter out. Her wounds are healed, but she isn't in the air anymore. She sends a volley of wires hurling at me. I kick up a table, and use it as a shield. To my surprise, it deflects her volley. Time to get to work.

Another volley comes my way. I duck and sprint towards her, then jumping and grabbing her by the throat. I lean my entire body weight on her neck, and suddenly she stabs me in the cheek with a wire. I fall backwards, clenching my cheek in pain. She aims for the neck this time, but I dodge and kick her square in the chest.

She yells, then makes like Star Platinum and lets loose a flurry of hits. "I can't believe you, you could have had me, but you chose her! Why?!?! WHY!?!" She screams, still hitting me. My skin is a pale, dark purple from her attacks, and she keeps screaming about why I should have chose her. I then roundhouse her off of me. She shatters a pillar, causing the roof to slant downwards. I try and charge into her, but she hurls me into a pillar, then she collapses the pillar onto me. I dodge the roof, just barely, and get up. She whips a wire into another pillar, and then the last one, bringing the roof down on me.

I then see Monika, sitting at a table, her head resting on her hands, fingers interwined. "Hey, Y/N~. I have a poem for you." She says, handing me a piece of paper. I take it and then put it aside. "Monika.. how could you..." I say, standing up, and squaring my shoulders. She doesn't do anything but grin.

I reach imto my pocket, and grab my flip knife, but Monika stabs my forearm and pins me to the wall. "You'll have to stay here.. I won't let you out, my dear~." She coos, carressing my face. I take my other arm and push her back. She then grabs my arm and then presses her lips to mine, slipping her tongue in my mouth, busting through my closed lips like a battering ram to a gate. I turn away, but she grabs my face and keeps it level with hers.

With my free hand, I push her away, and she steps back. She steps in again, but then I spot something. Only out of the corner of my eye, yet something. It starts small, but starts to grow. A small crack in the ground, but then bigger. And bigger. And bigger yet. I shove her back once more, and she almost trips and falls in. Quickly, she shoots out wires from her back, and rests above it.

I jump onto her, grabbing into her leg and dangling. She looks down at me with a malicious grin, and in one fell swoop, I feel a coil around my throat, and I am met with Monika's face. "If I drop you, I will fall too. I glance at the wires, and to her word, they are positioned in such a way to drop her with any weight dropped. She has me like a bird in a birdcage, with a cruel master.

She drops me, and I fall into the hole. I grip the edge and hang on, but Monika is hanging onto me as well. "Sayori was right. I'll never do anything for a psyhcopath like you." I call out. A wind gust has began to swirl inward, sucking me in ever so slightly. "Wait, Y/N, how did you know about-!" She says, but I let go before she could finish. I did it. I let go and fell. Goodbye...

And like that, I drift to an seemlessly unending slumber.

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