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- Noor's POV -

Eye contact.

Eye contact.

Eye contact.

I couldn't do it! I keep looking everywhere except directly at them.

"Do you have your portfolio with you?" The nicer man asks.

I quickly fumble through my bag and pull out three copies I had organized. I place one in front of each of the men.

"Thank you. Let me formally introduce myself. I'm Asad Khan, the chief executive officer." He says.

Chief executive officer...? Ya Allah! The CEO? Usually CEOs aren't a part of the hiring process, especially if it's not a high position.

Of course this is my luck! I say sarcastically in my head.

He motions at the other older man on his left. "This is Farooq Dalham, the chief financial officer."

"And this is my son, Yasir Khan, the chief operating officer and soon to be CEO of Khan Enterprises." Khan says proudly.

Oh my God, there's no way. There's no damn way. I can tell he's looking at me for the exact same reason, doubt rising in his eyes.

He's the guy I bumped into at the shawarma place last night. I wouldn't mistake his incredibly handsome face for someone else.

Thank God I didn't say anything!

Yasir Khan... the name is ringing a bell but I can't exactly pin down what it is.

I just realized—everyone here is of corporate positions. The Big C's as they call it since they're all of the higher position in the company. The untouchables.

"Please formally introduce yourself, Ms. Malik." Mr. Dalham says.

"Hello, my name is Noor Malik and I've recently just graduated with a degree in business management. I've worked retail for the past three years, which has helped me become exceptional at providing customer service. My real strength is my attention to detail. I pride myself on my reputation for following through and meeting deadlines. When I commit to doing something, I make sure it gets done, and on time."

"The position you applied was for a secretary, correct?" Mr. Yasir Khan asks.

I nod. "Yes."

"Were you informed for whom?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No, sir. There were no specifications on the job description."

"Any prior experience besides retail?" Mr. Dalham asks.

"No, I haven't had the opportunity yet." I answer.

Mr. Khan's son turns to whisper something to him.

"It's fine. We're looking for fresh recruits anyways." Mr. Khan whispers his reply.

I'm going to take a quick guess Yasir Khan doesn't approve of the fact that I don't have prior experience. But to be fair, I didn't expect this interview to be this serious.

After 15 minutes of questioning back and forth, Mr. Yasir Khan decides to ask one last question. "To wrap up this interview, what do you imagine a typical day in work to be like?"

Smile and act submissive.

I try to flash my best smile. "I plan on helping my assigned employer with their schedule, phone calls, meetings and with any other administrative tasks. If it is in my means to do so, I'm willing to put in overtime to complete tasks given to me. I will try my best to make sure my employer's operations are going smoothly and at a steady pace. My job will be to reduce his or her work-level stress to a minimum, if possible."

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