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- Noor's POV -

After thinking, long and hard... and by that I mean thinking for about five minutes, I've decided on an answer.

I spoke with my parents, my sister, and Farrah. All of them had one answer: whatever I chose, they'd be 110% content with.

I want them to tell me what to do because I'm scared and confused. I just had my fiancé break up with me over a text and now my boss wants to marry me in 20 minutes.

I've decided on an answer but is it the right one? I guess I'll find out after I live with the decision for the rest of my life.

I walk back in to see Omar's parents have left.

No doubt, this must've been extremely embarrassing on their part even though they tried to blame me.

I breathe in a big whiff of air.

My eyes linger on my parents for bit and they're looking at me with obvious pity. But they're also hoping I make a good decision.

I slowly pan over to Yasir's parents, who, shockingly, look hopeful, as if they'll be over the moon if I say yes. I must be the saviour they've been looking for their son. But right now, I feel like I'm the one who needs a saviour.

Was my saviour supposed to be Yasir?

Then, finally, my eyes rest on the man himself, Yasir Khan.

The rest of my life... I think.

He's looking back at me with a softer look in his eyes. Even he understands that this is an important decision. A decision he had easily made because he's the one who proposed the idea.

"What did you decide, Noor dear?" Yasir's mother asks softly.

"I..." my fingers start twisting the ends of my scarf. While staring at the floor, I give my answer. "I'll marry you."

I slide off the existing ring off of my finger, a weight leaving my shoulders.

There's silence. It's so silent that I can hear my own heartbeat and I swear everyone else can too.

Suddenly, I see to feet appear right in front of me. I slowly look up to see Yasir standing way too close.

I would gasp but even I know it's too quiet for that.

I only stare at him with wide eyes.

"You'll marry who, Noor?" His voice has gotten deeper.

I look up at him in confusion. I just told him I'd marry him, was he offering someone else?

The space in between is almost magnetic. It feels like something is pushing us against each other and I'm trying my hardest to stay still.

His eyes search mine, waiting for me to answer.

Is this his way of confirming my answer?

"Look me in the eyes and tell me you want to do this. Tell me you want to marry me." His tone of voice is almost bewitching. 

I couldn't breathe. I could barely hold up and he wants me to look him in the eyes to answer him again.

"Look at me." He whispers loud enough for only myself to hear.

I do, I look up at him again. My heart rate is so fast that I thought I was about to pass out.

"I–I want to do this." My breathing is shaky. "I'll marry you... I'll marry you, si–Yasir."

Amma bursts into a sob and Yasir's mother quickly goes to give her a hug.

"Good choice." Yasir says.

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