[ 48 ]

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🚫 Warning: the last bit of this chapter gets slightly NSFW, so read at your own risk 🚫

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- Noor's POV -

"So, what do we do with her?" Ayesha asks as she looks over at Nadira's unconscious body.

"I've already called my lawyer. I'm getting out of this relationship." Shahid sighs.

"That's the best decision. You still have a life ahead of you." Lateef pats Shahid's back.

I unintentionally start laughing. It's one of those fits of laughters that randomly comes out of you, for no reason at all.

"I think Noor's lost her mind." Farrah smiles.

"I think I have too. It's just that... it's over. Now, she'll never meddle in our lives again. And I find it funny how long it took for someone to finally put a stop to this. She's been like this for decades, yet no one has ever put her in her place." I think out loud.

"She's ruined countless lives. I know for a fact we're not the only victims of her twisted, greedy games. The audacity she had to keep asking for money even after she was exposed bare." Ayesha says. "I'm just concerned about how she managed to play all three of you." She stares at Lateef, Shahid and Yasir.

"Honestly, same. Yeah, I understand that she's beautiful but the second she opens her mouth, it should be a dead giveaway that her personality sucks ass." Farrah shakes her head.

"She wasn't like this when you were alone with her." Lateef starts.

Yasir nods. "She was sweet and kind. It made it look like she cared for you. She'd always say thing like 'shopping would make you feel better' or 'we should go to our favourite restaurant to de-stress yourself.' And it made us all think about how she was thinking about us when in reality, it was always about her."

"Exactly. She's manipulative so she used her words to make us feel like we were being taken care of by her. She had us believe that we were... special." Shahid adds.

"Men are dumb, huh?" Farrah laughs as she looks over at Ayesha and I.

"No, I wouldn't say so." Ayesha says, surprising us all. "I get where they're coming from. All three of you guys were probably in a vulnerable time in your life when she busted into your life. She made sure she entered your lives when you needed someone the most so she can manipulate the situation to her own advantage."

I sigh as reach over to hold Yasir's hand. "Ayesha's right. This makes Nadira the most damned of them all. She used vulnerability of others as a her own strong pursuit for her own agenda. What's even worst is that she did it, knowing exactly how this would destroy all of you, if you were to ever find out. However, she also thought that even if it destroyed you, you'd still hold onto her like a sick puppy because that's how she trained you."

"Are you attacking me?" Yasir raises a brow.

I smirk. "If the shoe fits..."

This makes everyone laugh.

"God, I'm glad this is over." I say. "Let's hope this will come as a lesson for her and she'll work hard to build real relationships."

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