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- Yasir's POV -

I watch her as she signs off on the nikkah papers and sets our relationship in stone.

Of course, I could've chosen anyone. Any woman would've been ready to marry, whether it be real or not.

I've had Noor on my mind for quite some time. I'm not sure why, but my mind was adamant on choosing her.

Maybe because I know I'd be able to control her better than any other woman. Why? Because I know she would never want to let her parents down. She gave off feeling that her parents are the few people she would do anything for.

I was going to give her a offer, stability for her and her family the rest of her life exchange for a short nikkah.

When she came to me with her nikkah invitation, it didn't sit right with me. I almost felt... angry, maybe even upset. I didn't want to see her get married because my plan had fell apart.

Until, her future husband failed to show up. What can I say? Of course it's tragic but this opened up the perfect opportunity for me. The opportunity was almost handed to me on a silver platter because it was such a smooth transition. I couldn't say no.

I think about how her ex-future-husband should have taken her into consideration, though. Telling her earlier than their actual engagement day would have been a smarter decision. But again, this opportunity was literally handed to me because of him.

I knew Noor wouldn't be able to refuse because of her situation. For a moment, she did hesitate but I know she thought about the whole mentality of 'what would people say?'

Now... the reason for marrying her. Simple: Nadira has been trying to make me envious recently so I thought I'd play a little game too.

Plus, my parents were becoming restless about finding someone. Now, they'll keep their mouths shut about it. My father and mother look like they already adore her, which is even better.

This is temporary, though. It should be a year, maximum, before Nadira leaves Shahid. Of course, Noor would be compensated for her time accordingly. She'll never have to complain about money ever again, even after we're separated. I would happily pay for her future wedding events, when she chooses another suitor.

It all may sound harsh, but to be honest, something tells me that Noor already figured it out or has an idea that this is temporary.

Our relationship is nothing more than a business contract between a man and woman. There will be nothing between us except for just that.

• • •

- Noor's POV -

"Mrs. Yasir Khan, huh?" Ayesha smirks. "When I said bag a rich man, you found the richest in the country and didn't let me down."

Farrah snorts. "Oh my God. You really didn't let anyone down with that."

"Guys!" I pout.

Everyone's mood has elevated but I'm still at an all time low. It's weird, you know?

My crush has a major crush on my best friend so I gave up on that dream.

Then, I found [or rather my parents found me] someone else I can move on with. I was literally left at the alter by that man who, I thought, genuinely liked me, so I gave up on that dream.

And now I'm married to my boss, who married me at the same alter I was ditched at. Plus, he isn't just anyone, he's one of the wealthiest in the country and maybe even globally. Not only that, he also turns out to be the same guy I went to high school with.

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