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- Lateef's POV -

When Noor called me to tell me what happened, this time, I really thought I lost Yasir. I wasn't ready for what she had to say and I almost broke down before she could even finish her sentence.

But when she told me she had called Dr. Abadi on time, the relief I felt in my chest was the lightest I've ever felt.

"So, why did you call me here?" Farrah asks, taking a sip of the tea.

I interlock my fingers together, resting my elbows on my thighs. "I've figured out something that may or may not make you and Noor want to murder Nadira."

I did a little digging while Yasir was resting for the last few days. Of course, I had to get Noor in on this. She was on board even before I opened my mouth.

"Noor's prioritizing Yasir's wellbeing, as any normal person would, so she recommended I bring you in on this." I continue.

Farrah looks up with glint in her eyes, "Sounds evil. I'm in."

"You and Noor are terrifying. She said almost the exact same thing, except she added 'are we a committing homicide?' afterwards." I laugh.

"That's what I would've added after you explained what we're doing." She smirks.

"Remind me never to piss either of you off." I say. "But... the issue is Nadira. I'm sure you remember Omar?"

She nods. "How will I ever forget that asshole?"

"Well... I have bad news... Turns out he was not the asshole." I sigh.

She raises a brow.

"Nadira broke off Noor and Omar relationship." I say.

Farrah almost drops her teacup. "She—What?!"

"I need you to hold onto your sanity just for a little longer while I explain."

Nadira couldn't stand that Noor could get away with throwing insults at her [which were never really insults because they were always true]. She couldn't stand the fact that Yasir was starting to grow really fond of Noor. She couldn't stand that I preferred Noor over her [I mean, the choice is obvious, I don't understand why that made her upset].

So, she thought, if she threatened and blackmailed Omar to break off their nikkah on the day of the event, it would tarnish Noor's family reputation for a very long time. Not only that, she thought it would make it impossible for Noor to be able to function because of the huge hit she'd take emotionally.

She told Omar that if he married Noor, she'll use every force she owns to make their lives a living hell. Neither Noor nor Omar would be able to run away from her grasps. She wouldn't sit still until they were completed destroyed.

Obviously, Omar wouldn't let that happen.

But, little did she know, Yasir wanted to snag up Noor for himself. Of course, he thought he was doing this for his own reasons, but I know for a fact that he did it because he genuinely cared for Noor and wanted to help her. In fact, he had his eyes on her for a while since she started working.

I thank God everyday for not letting Yasir tell Nadira about his plan. To be honest, I even thank Nadira for going through with her plan because without that, Yasir wouldn't be on the path to recovery.

Farrah's jaw drops open. "You're fucking lying. That bitch!"

"I wouldn't blame you for thinking that." I sigh. "Everything about Nadira seems so over dramatic and dishonest."

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