I'm no aunt

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Peter has found himself in a predicament. He stood idly glancing towards the robber who sat webbed up and glaring at the hero. Then he looked over at the public restroom where he managed to catch up to said, criminal. The chase from the bank got more chaotic than he intended and in the end, the robber ran for cover into the bathroom. And yes Peter might've caught him in the end but he also managed to break a sink while doing so.

He didn't intend to break it... he just swung and the dude ducked. What was he supposed to do?!

What WAS he suppose to do? He's already called the cops to retrieve the bad guy. But now guilt settled into him about the sink. He gave the glaring man a dirty childish look. Not that he could see with the mask.

"Look what you made me do! I destroyed public property!" He huffed only getting a wild look in return. Peter didn't know what to do.

And then he realized he could just ask May. He was sure she'd know! So he swiped out his phone and typed in the new number she's changed recently. Hopefully, he remembered it correctly.

The sound of soft rings had filled up the mostly empty room. And with an annoyed huff, he picked up his phone to examine the notifications.


I know you have the late shift today

But uhh...

I was on patrol like usual and I was getting this suspicious guy but it just ended with me breaking a sink

Should I leave a note or something? No ones around...

Now Tony wasn't one to answer people on many occasions. Especially wrong numbers. But for now, consider him curious about the broken sink. It'd only be this once after all. What's the worse that can happen?


There was this dude who I followed. I managed to catch him and get him to the police but in the chase, there was this public restroom he hid in and the place was out in nowhere really

And I guess I sorta slipped?

And broke it

And now I feel bad sooooo..

I don't think this is the person you're trying to reach but

...You broke a sink?

This isn't aunt May?

I'm no aunt sorry to disappoint

Oh my gosh I am so sorry

I must've mixed up the numbers

Are you sure that's how you got the number?


What do you mean?

Never mind. I just don't get a lot of wrong numbers. Do you work for the police or something?



You said you caught someone

And you were patrolling

Not to mention the broken sink

Oh haha

No, I just mean that

Me and my aunt like to switch on making sure there's no problems in our apartment complex

And the guy was a dog.

The dog was suspicious?

Could've been rabid for all you know

Uh-huh. Very believable cover story.

Hey! I'm just your average kid!


Yes. And this kid has a curfew so..

Goodbye for now :)

Good luck with the broken sink.

Don't even see how you just 'slipped'

It was an old rusty sink

We'll go with that

Peter ended up fleeing the scene with a small note about the sink and an apology. But he soon forgot about it as he was engulfed with texting this new stranger of his.

(A/N Hello :) I'm back and I've brought some weeb with me. The wrong number Au thing isn't my original idea and I have no clue who actually came up with this concept but if you do tag them! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and decide to stick around~)

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