Bad feeling

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(Gimme some fanfics from this fandom to read pls :,) also sorry this is a short chapter but longer ones are coming hehe~)

So... Peter

Are you going to tell him you know?

I mean what do I know?

Just his name

I doubt you

Okay so maybe I know him as the kid who worked with Tony the other day

That counts as literally knowing who he is

But why should I tell him?

Why shouldn't you tell him?

What if he doesn't like us?


Why would you think that?

He didn't talk about us to his friends

Is he ashamed?

I'm sure that's not it

What if he won't like us once he figures out?

Are you out of all people having insecurities over Peter?


He's a fan of the avengers

We are quite literally the avengers

So what in the world would cause him not to like us?

Maybe that's why

Because we're the avengers he doesn't like us

Peter likes us now

As just us

And I'm sure he'll still like us face to face

He just needs to adjust I'm sure

And what about Tony?

What about him?

Aren't you going to tell him?

I made a promise.

Then I'll tell him

I made no promise

Natasha, you can't do that

Just wait it out Tony's been talking to all the internship kids including Peter

At least let them get comfortable

And do I tell him I know?


I mean I'm sure he'll figure that part out eventually from his friends

I have such a bad feeling about this

But I guess I'll wait

(*We skipping some time*)

Peter had slumped forward on the table as he groaned. He really did regret staying up so late. Bret glanced at him with a raised brow. "Long day?" He asked only for a lazy nod in return.

"How about you take a break? I can cover for you," Bret offered, causing Peter to immediately sit up.

"No way! I'd feel too guilty. I'll be fine," he tried to refocus on the work in front of him. The other watched as the teen stared blankly down before slamming his head against the table one again. "But maybe five minutes won't hurt?" He murmured quietly causing a laugh.

After two minutes of peaceful silence the door opened. Peter didn't move, not willing to waste his five minutes.

"Are you gonna steal him away from me again?" Bret's voice sounded speaking to the others in the room.

"I'll give him back this time," it was Tony as he offered a sheepish smile. "I'm holding a meeting with all the internship kids," he added and Bret nodded.

Tony glanced at Peter who managed to ignore the voices around him. It was normal to have people walk in and out so he didn't believe it was important.

"Is he sleeping?" Tony's voice lowered now examining the boy. Bret puckered his lips in debate before pushing his chair towards the teen before nudging him.

"Hey, Peter are you awake?" He asked now poking him nonstop. Peter rather stubbornly pulled himself up a glare on his face. It was more cute than threatening.

"Pfft," Bret snorted at him. "You've got a meeting with the big boss," he said causing Peter to turn to the other presences in the room his face turning red.

"Oh gosh I'm so sorry," Peter apologizes standing from his chair. Tony had a curious expression before asking "why so tired?" Causing the teen to rub at the back of his neck almost guilty. "I stayed up longer than I should have," he explained with Bret looking back and forth to watch this interaction.

Tony for a moment looked skeptical, his gaze narrowing towards the boy before immediately shaking it off. "Let's get to the meeting alright?" Tony turned and Peter quickly trailed behind him as he scolded himself.

Once all the internship kids had been gathered in one of the rooms Tony stood in front of them to get their attention. "I'll make this quick so you can get back to work," Tony spoke confidently with Peter seeming to notice that this time Pepper wasn't here.

"So I've been informed that you guys are all on break from school," he was forced to pause from the few cheers that erupted. "I've decided to take this time to test something. For the next week or so plan to stay here. In case of an emergency of any kind, such as a lockdown you'd be stuck here. So I'd like to go through some training in case that ever does occur. That and it's a good way to test how long you'll last at late shifts," Tony looked smug as if he'd know they wouldn't make it. "You'll be put in groups to share a room and this is starting tomorrow. This is only protocol so there's no need for worry."

Murmurs spiked in the room as Mr. Stark had stopped to look down on his phone. He had received a message which resulted in him grumbling stuffing his phone back in his pocket.

He was already planning to walk out. "You can get back to work. If you have any questions ask Ms. Brookes downstairs," was all he said before leaving.

(A/N sO I have a week off school and then an extra two weeks where I have online school because of the flipping Coronavirus. That'll be fun! Haha... I had a bunch of tests today and I'm really tired)

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