Let's think about this

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(A/N WE HIT 4K!)

   Peter really thought he was safe for the day when the school day was nearing its end and he had no trouble with Flash. Maybe he forgot about it?

He was beginning to finally let down his guard while placing away his unneeded books into the locked. However, he had to admit letting down his guard was a mistake on his part.

Hearing the heavy footsteps behind him made a small panic course through him and he slammed his locker shut much harder than he intended. Peter spun around to face none other than a slightly annoyed looking Flash. Peter pressed his lips together to stop from the very strong need to make a snarky remark as his Spidey self would always do with an enemy.

Peter attempted to take a step to the side hoping Flash would walk past. But of course Flash stepped up stopping in front of him.

"Hey, Parker how in the world did you get accepted into the internship? Or did they just take pity on you?" Flash spoke smugly and Peter only tilted his head.

"And how'd you get in? Did your mommy have to bribe them with money or did you lie on your application?" He hummed his gaze locked onto the other. Peter didn't know where this sudden outburst came from but by the time it slipped it was too late to take it back.

   Peter never talked back to Flash. He just let the other say whatever lame insult he had about him and walked off. So, of course, his brain was screeching at him to stop before he got himself into trouble.

Flash tensed before his gaze turned into a glare. Peter stayed calm on the outside looking more amused than panicked.

   "Listen here punk at least I have a mother and didn't have to use some sob story about being an orphan to get in," Flash snarled but it took no effect on Peter. He was used to the 'no parents' insult. Flash stood tall as if trying to intimidate Peter. Without thinking much of it Peter placed his hand on Flash's shoulder and lightly pushed wanting to walk past.

   "Your mother just did what she had to to you keep you to shut up," Peter replied cooly which was clearly what made Flash snap.

Immediately a fist was thrown though Peter caught it with ease and he threw his own before throwing another managing to land them both perfectly because Flash stumbled back with a slur as he held onto his nose and cheek. Peter could tell it wasn't broken but it was bleeding. That's when the panic finally went through his whole body causing him to freeze up.

   What was he doing? He was about to start a fight and he wasn't supposed to win. Heck, he wasn't supposed to talk back. What is wrong with him?! Peter just needed to apologize. Yep just apologize and walk away.

   Yet before he was able to come back to reality he was tackled to the floor with a grunt. His hands shot up in defense not listening to his spidey sense to fight back anymore. "Wait Flash let's think about this! I'm s-" Peter didn't get the chance to finish before a punch was thrown this time Flash actually landed the hit.

Ignoring his sixth sense to fight back he struggled to get out of the position instead. Sure Flash's punches hurt and they'd cause a few bruises but he's had worse.

He managed to sit up causing the other to fall off from on top of him. Peter kicked as hard as he could right into Flash's stomach causing a yowl.

Peter would've laughed if Flash didn't get up with a curse and a vile look before grabbing onto Peter's hair and tugging harshly. What a nasty trick. A dirty trick. It caused a surprised yelp and he received a punch aimed rather horrible right on his eye. It hurt. It hurt a lot causing his eyes to water.

   But before either had the chance to do a thing a loud booming voice was heard echoing in the empty halls. "BOTH OF YOU TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!"

Oh boy, Peter really messed up this time.

(A/N oop- my hand slipped. So anyone wanna scream about the after credit scene for far from home?)

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