I larb you

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(A/N WE REACHED 211K I missed to make a note at 200K BUT THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I'm really happy to know people are actually enjoying this book!)

Worse and worse. That's all that happened with his senses. With every sudden noise, a ringing would go off in his ear. He wouldn't be able to focus on anything besides the high pitched ring. His thoughts would get hazy and if he were standing he'd lose balance as the migraine began.

Sometimes if Peter was lucky it's not that bad. That he could easily ignore it. Possibly forget. But today? Today was not one of those days. Quite the opposite as he winced at the simple sound of his door opening.

"Hey, Pete you feeling any better?" May's voice was soft but that didn't help the pain much. She only got a muffled hum as a response. She sat at the edge of Peter's bed causing the mattress to sink slightly.

He had no school today so he considered himself lucky on that part. However, he did have work. Work. The thought of sitting at a table all day thinking and tinkering away made him cringe. He felt too weak to even get out of bed for a glass of water. He couldn't focus on which wire connected to which end.

The back of May's hand was lightly placed on his face and to Peter, it felt so cold to him it almost hurt. And yet it relaxed him as her fingers proceeded to run through his hair.

May watched as her nephew's face scrunched in pain and then went hidden into the pillow. She was more than aware of how stubborn the teen could be.

"You're staying home. Who do I have to contact for your internship?" She spoke lightly but her tone was stern. Peter knew when she got like this there was no point in arguing. Plus he didn't think he had the energy to argue.

He weakly waved his hand towards his phone. "Just text Mr. Stark, he can tell Bret," Peter's voice was just barely audible, afraid that if he spoke too loud the pain would get worse. But May understood the instructions.

"Mr. Stark?" She asked, raising a brow at the boy already scrolling through his contacts after he opened the phone. Peter didn't realize he gave no context.

"His name is Mr. Stalker on my phone," he corrected, almost forgetting the difference. He's yet to change the contact name. He got a pause of silence and then 'I'll ask about that later.'

It was a quick process to type in the number and return Peter's phone. She looked at the time and then back at her nephew chewing at her bottom lip debating something.

"I shouldn't go to work today. I'll call in sick," she decided which immediately got a reaction from Peter.

He felt like hell at the moment but he quickly sat up in bed to argue.

"May I'm fine it's just a headache-" he was cut off by a very stern tone.

"A headache?! Peter, I woke up to you crying in pain that is not a simple headache," her voice was harsh and he knew she was right but that didn't stop him from claiming he was fine.

"Yeah but I'm feeling a lot better now! I'm not even going to the internship. If anything happens I can just call you," at this point, it seemed like he was pleading. What if in the future she actually was sick? And still, had to go because she took today off cause of him? He didn't want to risk that. Nor did he want his aunt worrying about him.

May let out a sigh knowing how stubborn he could be. "You have to promise me you'll call as soon as you feel worse, okay?" She gave in.

"Yeah yeah of course!" He nodded ignoring the pain that struck knowing if he showed even a bit of it she'd change her mind.

She gave him a soft kiss on his forehead ruffling his hair slightly before making her way to the door.

"I larb you May," Peter spoke softly and sweetly, causing a smile from May.

"I larb you too Peter."

Hello, is this Tony Stark?

The one and only

Who am I speaking to?

This is May Parker. Peter's aunt?

Yes, he's talked a lot about you

All good things of course

Is Peter okay?

He's feeling unwell so he can't come to the internship today

He told me to text you

Oh, definitely, he can take as much time off as he needs

Is there a way can I help?

Peter can be a tad stubborn but thank you for your offer!

You know he makes such a big deal about you

Does he now? Peter's a great kid you've done an amazing job raising him

I'd love to take the credit but I think he's managed it all on his own

He looks up to you though

He's gone on whole rants about you and I'm sure you out of anyone knows how his rants get

Oh trust me I do he does the same with you and the avengers

He's just very pure

I fully agree

Peter's extremely special to us at this point


Yeah, the avengers see him more than just an intern at this point

He does have a way to get to your heart q

Yes, he does :)

(A/N the reason updates are slower is cause it's not just simple texting chapters so it takes longer. Sorry... but good news! It's been confirmed that there will be a sequel for this book!)

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