More than a simple headache

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(A/N There were so many comments on Bret the last chapter. Gosh)

Did Peter do something wrong? He didn't understand. Was it because he didn't answer the call? It wasn't his fault! Mr. Stalker ended the call before he even had the chance to accept it. Gosh, he felt like he messed up without even doing anything. It's unfair.

Peter scowled as he scribbled in his notes. He was too focused on his thoughts to acknowledge the fact the door opened and two people began conversing. It must've been Bret with someone else. Maybe Tony.

He winced at the sudden headache that blossomed. What great timing. He dropped his pencil on the table watching as it rolled off. His hands held his head up the sharp pain taking over quickly. Peter attempted to just focus on his breathing to relax but his breathing was uneven and it only picked up. It was as if he was being closed in without enough air.

In an attempt to muffle everything out he placed his head against the cool counter. It was like he could feel his head pounding. It felt like someone slamming a brick from the inside of his skull over and over. Peter groaned gripping against his hair.

A gentle hand was placed on his shoulder and the teen immediately whipped around taking a defensive position. He blinked in confusion when he realized it was just Natasha dropping his hands. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry it was just instinct," Peter quickly apologized earning a smile from her.

"You're fine. Are you okay though? You looked in pain," Natasha asked. He was. There was a low ringing in his ear and he just wanted to curl up from the headache.

"It's just a headache. I'll be fine," he replied casually ignoring the urge to bang his head back on the counter.

Then just as he thought what he said was convincing enough to Natasha that she'd leave him alone it all went to waste. There was a large slam causing the ringing in his ear to become louder and what was a brick being slammed against his head felt like a whole building now simply dropped against his head. A miracle he hasn't died. Peter hissed his teeth clenching together to stop the slur of words that wanted to leave his lips. His hands flew up once again covering his face and holding his head as if it'd help the headache.

Natasha in a confused and worried moment looked up to see Bret who accidentally dropped a book that caused the noise. He looked surprised by Peter's reaction. Bret quickly apologized only to get a wave off from her.

"Okay, so not just a simple headache. How about we get you to Bruce?" Natasha hummed softly trying to comfort the poor teen.

(*Line Break*)

"Is he okay? Bret told me what happened," Tony had skidded in looking alert. Peter may not have been his Flower but that didn't mean he didn't care.

"I'm sure a headache won't kill him," Bruce responded sarcastically after dealing with most of the Avengers' panic. However, you could've convinced Peter otherwise.

"I'll go get him water. Maybe that'll help," Pepper offered walking off quickly. They were all sitting in what Tony deemed the 'medical station'. Natasha was stubborn about leaving even when she was told Peter would be fine. Peter didn't understand why they cared so much but he didn't have the energy to ask nor try and figure it out.

Bucky had kept bugging the doctor on whatever medication he was preparing. While Bucky sounded patient and calm it was clear with every question Bruce was growing more and more annoyed as he tried to focus. Sam tried to get Bucky to stop bothering Bruce but in the end, they both just started a mini childish argument. Steve and Natasha had both sat discussing Peter's current situation sometimes asking him question after question that he replied briefly to.

It wasn't helping the headache at all. And once Pepper returned, placing the cup next to Peter, she and Tony began to bicker. To what the teen could focus on it had seemed she was integrating the man about some phone. Peter huffed wondering how much longer the pain was going to last as he slumped back.

"See? You're ruining his mood!" Tony gestured towards Peter.

"Me? You're the one who ign-" Pepper sounded stern.

The chatter in the room had bubbled very loudly sounding like a kid's classroom with no teacher present.

"Could you guys shut up?" He snapped, Peter didn't realize how harsh he sounded until it was too late. So he quickly added in a softer tone "this isn't really helping the headache. Couldn't I just go back to work?"

The group exchanged looks before Natasha pipped in. "I think a small break could help," she said, having Tony quickly agree. "Yeah, you did look pretty down."

Peter looked down once remembering this. He wondered if Mr. Stalker replied yet but his phone wasn't on him. What if Mr. Stalker figured out who he was? Was he not happy with Peter? Was he not enough? Without giving himself permission to do so he got emotional almost immediately receiving comfort from Steve and Natasha who have been standing next to him.

"Aww, what's wrong маленький цветок?" As Natasha asked Bruce had his little 'hazza' moment holding up a little cup of liquid. Bucky looked almost in awe before turning his attention to the boy. A look struck him as he stared at Peter than Natasha. But no one noticed. Bruce places the cup next to the water with a quick "it should help with the headache," before leaning against the counter.

Peter glanced back at Natasha with a nervous smile before taking the small cup and drinking it down. It didn't taste the best but what could you expect. He didn't expect to turn back to a group of avengers who looked a bit too eager to hear his problems. "Oh umm... it's nothing really. Just this friend of mine who," he paused looking down again as he fiddled with his fingers.

Clint had stood abruptly all turning to him to see what's wrong. "I've got this!" He beamed before quickly disappearing out of the room. Their attention was back to the teen none of them questioning Clint.

"I'm probably just overthinking things," he finally spoke, filling in the silence.

"I say forget them there's plenty of fish in the sea," it was clear to everyone that Bucky misunderstood the situation as his advice was horribly off.

"Buck no-" Steve spoke up sounding almost disappointed.

"What?" He asked, causing nearly everyone to sigh. Sam shook his head patting Bucky's back as if he was told some sad news. However, Peter only began to laugh at the misunderstanding. A laugh that brought a smile to everyone.

Including Clint who returned holding a few bowls and a tub of ice cream. "Let us feast!" He cheered happily. They all understood Peter didn't want to talk about it and they were happy to make a distraction for him.

So his break was much longer than needed as they all sat together chattering away. Peter's headache didn't last and after that, they caused much less pain.

Tony almost couldn't believe it. Peter seemed similar to Flower. There had to be something he was missing.

(A/N I'm getting sick and by that I mean I have the sniffles and my dad very much overreacted)

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