April fools

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(A/N this chapter is very much trash so I'll fix it later. But this is my apology for the last chapter... ha...

'Oh, it'd be cool if you made an April fools chapter!' Well, I did just that... and then y'all proceeded to get mad at me. Pfft enjoy!)

Peter felt evil. Very evil. But yet he grinned as he took careful steps down the hallway that was mostly empty besides the few framed pictures on the wall. He had a marker in his grip and he held on tightly as if it'd disappear if he let go. It was still early morning, his shift not beginning for another hour or so.

But it was April 1st. So, of course, he had his own mischief planned. Now to others, his plans seemed harmless and rather adorable at how innocent they were but Peter was in serious mode.

He finally reached the door he was having trouble finding. He kept taking wrong turns and ending up in the wrong room until he had Friday give him directions. Peter raised his hand making sure to knock softly before pausing to listen for a response.

It was quiet but the teen heard it clearly thanks to his powers. "Come in." Peter gently opened the door poking his head through to look at the new surroundings.

The room was large considering it was just a bedroom. It was probably bigger than his whole living space so he took a minute just to look at all the decoration and furniture. Everything just screamed expensive. His gaze finally landed on the large bed where Tony was in a very deep sleep one of his arms hanging off the bed and next to him sat Pepper who had her phone in her hands and a soft smile as she saw Peter.

She waved him over and Peter had shuffled over now fiddling with the black marker. She stretched placing her phone on the bedside table before pointing towards the sleeping Tony.

"He stayed up late so it'll take a lot to wake him now," Pepper removed the sheet on top of her moving to get up. Once she stood up she had a mischievous look in her eyes. "Go crazy." Peter smiled before nodding remembering their conversation last night.

Peter had texted Pepper his plan and she agreed to helping him. It may not have seemed the worst but it was just the beginning. So with that, he uncapped the marker and very carefully got to work.

A few minutes later Pepper had come back fully dressed and holding a pair of heels just as Peter finished his last doodle.

Yes, his first prank of the day was to draw on Mr. Stark's face. You had to admit he did look goofy and he was almost sure Tony wouldn't notice till someone points out. Most of the scribbles were on his face and on his cheek in bold words was 'best dad'. Peter never actually called Mr. Stark dad face to face. It was just an inside joke anyways. He was his boss boss, after all, it'd be weird.

Besides that, the rest were silly scribbles such as smiley faces and stars. On his forehead in small but clear words were written 'April fools'. Pepper was peaking over Peter's shoulder now with a smile before she held out her hand. Peter caught on quickly handing her the pen watching what she wrote. Across his neck, she wrote 'Iron-Dad' and a small note telling him this is what he got for staying up. Besides that, she simply added a few hearts on his face leaving both Pepper and Peter snickering.

It wasn't until she glanced at the time and grabbed Peter's arm in a very rushed manner. He gave her a look of pure confusion which was very adorable.

"His alarm will go off soon" she warned and they both skedaddled out of the room giggling to themselves.

Peter was surprised Tony didn't stir awake. Only a few times did he readjust himself in his sleep. Guess Pepper was right about him being a deep sleeper. At least when he sleeps in late he's a deep sleeper.

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