Did I kill it?

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(A/N my notifications won't load right so I'm giving up on the last few large spams. I haven't completed my English homework... it's due in like less than three hours)

He felt like he was a criminal. Sneaking around in the middle of the dark. Let's just hope he won't get caught. Peter had his phone out using the light on it to help him navigate the hallways.

He knew he could have easily mentioned it to Mr. Stark and he would've gotten his answer. But he didn't want to be a bother. And he was almost sure he was simply overreacting. It was probably nothing. He could just figure out for himself. Plus all the interns were asleep so he had easily slipped out. Thanks to Pepper, Friday didn't see Peter as a threat.

Peter pocketed his phone once he got inside the lab and with a soft click, the lights of the room opened. He already knew what he was looking for and where it was. So he swiftly pushed the weapon in front of him on Mr. Stark's desk.

Yep. Ever since he accidentally shot himself with the weird beam something wasn't right. The headaches wouldn't stop even with Mr. Banner's help. Though to be fair he didn't bring it back up so for all the doctor knew the headaches stopped. Not only that but his healing had slowed down and his spider-sense wasn't as sharp as it was. Maybe it was because of his lack of sleep? Or was it because he wasn't eating enough? It had to be something after all.

He was practically glaring down at the object. It just reminded him of that one bad guy that got away. Maybe they could've had the answers for all this.

Peter fiddled with the gun like object this time being extra cautious and not pointing it towards him. Mr. Stark had told him it'd be best to leave the weapon alone for now after the incident until they got more information from the two criminals they got. But it seemed they knew nothing and honestly were complete idiots.

A small hatch was on the handle, something Peter barely managed to catch. He probably wouldn't have caught it if he didn't feel how uneven it felt. It took him a minute of struggling to open it and once he did he smiled proudly.

His pride turned to awe. In the small space, there was a glow that was much brighter than the lights. His first instinct was to grab the object. It was smooth yet jabbed at his palm. It was small and almost rock-like but Peter didn't know any rocks that glowed.

Peter's observations came to a halt as pain erupted against his skin. A hiss left the boy and he dropped the thing back into its place. As he held his hand in confusion as a dark mark blossomed. It burned him?

"What the heck?"

Maybe he should try again? Or at least figure out what it is? However as he stared down at it, the white glow was beginning to dim and began to faint away. Was that because of him?

Panic coursed through him. Did Peter kill it? "I'm so sorry," the boy spoke in despair forgetting about the pain it caused him.

At least now he knew what caused the large glow before. Was that the energy source? Peter wanted to investigate more but the soft click of heels pierced the silent air and had him shove everything back into its place and he ran for it.

"Okay so maybe another time," he huffed out as he reached back to the intern's room without getting caught.

(A/N oooo~ Next chapter my dudes. That's where it's at)

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