I thought you turned it off

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(A/N what if I told you this book shall be complete in a few more chapters?)

"And what happened to you?" Peter walked in going to his usual seat as he glanced towards Bret. He knew the other was asking about the bandaid on his cheek. It had cute little stars on it as a design and it was the only ones Peter could find in the apartment.

The boy only shrugged before answering. "You wouldn't believe the night I had." The scar on his cheek from the blade wasn't really something he could talk about normally. Bret gave the teen a look causing him to shake his head quickly. "Gosh! Not like that!" Peter rushes to say causing the other to laugh. He grumbled like an upset child setting down his bag.

"Oh! Mr. Stark wanted you in his lab I think," Bret informed as he was working on paperwork.
Peter turned a look of curiosity.

"Did he say what for?" He asked only for a 'Nope' in return.

Peter hummed before leaving the room making his way to the lab. There was a slight hop I'm his step forgetting about yesterday just happy to be at his job. And once he arrived he saw Tony who was very focused on his work. He had stepped up using his fingers to lightly drum against the side of the desk. "What up Mr. Stark!" He spoke happily.

It was clear he had become much more comfortable around not only Tony but most of the avengers. He was aware he wasn't the only one who came up here as he had seen a few interns working here. But that didn't stop him from feeling special that he'd manage to create somewhat of a bond with each of them. There was no worry of somehow messing up. It seemed that Peter always had a good and comfortable time around them now. All of them had realized this and a few of them -though they haven't admitted it- have theorized the possibility of who Flower exactly was.

Tony had turned to Peter "good you're here I need your help," Tony motioned the kid over only pausing for a moment to acknowledge the band-aid. Peter sat next to him trying to see what Tony was working on. He quickly recognized it from the other day.

"What is it?" He asked, still not aware of what the weapon could do.

"That's what we'll be trying to figure out," Tony said as he had yet to manage to get it to work. He's been attempting to gather research before testing it. "Give me a second," he walked off to grab some tools as he was planning to take it apart. Peter stared at the object for a moment before picking it up. It was shaped like a gun but cut off at the end in a way to make the point sharp. He curiously wondered what the beam was from the other night.

The teen didn't think about the after-effects of turning it on he just pressed what he thought was the trigger. Neither did he think about turning the weapon away from him when he started to mess with it.

There was a loud bang and alongside it a flash. The familiar beam returning but much worse when pointed directly at you. All his senses were overtaken. An intoxicating smell of strong metal and the bang left a ringing in his ear. White and black dots filled his vision and to top it all off it felt like his body was just zapped. He was too tense to scream out instead just struggling to hold his balance.

"Peter? Peter what happened?!" A worried Mr. Stark had come back as he took in the scene. He quickly realized what Peter had done. "Why would you shoot yourself with an unknown weapon?!" Tony yelled you the teen who was struggling not to curl up in a ball and wait for death.

"I thought you turned it off," Peter managed to get out as he tried to focus.

"YOU CAN'T TURN OFF A WEAPON PETER!" Tony was much too old to deal with this stress.

(*oop Anyways*)

So can you guys remind me not to mess with unknown weapons?

We were worried you died

Nah I just embarrassed myself in front of Mr. Stark and the other avengers :(

For you, that's not hard to believe

Ow :(


What happened anyway?

Remember what I told you about patrol?

Yeah did the cops ever get the one chick that got away?

Nope :/

But Mr. Stark got some of the weapons and wanted to test it

And wanted my help

What a bad choice

I wish you were wrong MJ

I messed with it and accidentally shot myself


It wasn't a bullet

It was weird, it kinda just did something wack to my senses?

Are you in the hospital?!



It was temporary

Mr. Stark insisted I at least get checked but I was fine

Is your spidey self okay?


Are your senses okay?

Yes ma'am

Do you guys wanna come over?

May and I are having a movie night

Heck yes

I'm down

Be here around an hour?


That works

Peter had swiped away from the chat a pang of guilt settling within him. He wasn't technically lying. He felt fine. But after the incident, he'd have a wave hit him. It was rather overwhelming but he was sure it was just your basic headache. It'll be gone soon. At least that's what he hoped.

Peter stared down at the other group chat in his messages. He thought about texting Mr. Stalker and the others about his work but it seemed they always found a way to change the subject when it came to his job. Was he being too pushy about the subject? Peter decided he'd just leave it for now getting up to go help his aunt with setting up.

Wouldn't it be better if we told the others now?

Let us at least wait for the end of the week?

What if something happens to Peter though?

I'm sure he knows what he's doing

He's a kid!

I know that Natasha!

But he's capable

You've seen him

I guess

Just this week and then you can tell them

(A/N y'all are so chaotic)

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