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The woman on the hospital bed is sleeping for two days now. She lost so much blood and needed transfusion. When I offer mine I was shocked when we're miraculously matched. I feel intrigued by the woman,I feel strangely happy watching her.

If my real daughter is still here ,they might be the same age. I reluctantly touched her hand and felt the tugged of happiness on my heart. I was sitting there for two hours now ,the doctor said she will wake up soon. I wanted to be there when she wakes up to confirm something .
I  miss my real daughter so much. My little two colored eye angel, my precious Emilia.



I slowly opened my heavy eyes when I hear faint beeping.

'Am I alive? Or I'm in heaven, no ,hell ?But I don't feel like burning.'

"Thank God ,you're finally awake ." A lively man voice speaks on my side and I was greeted by a handsome old man with white beard.

"Jesus?"I asked.

He chuckled. "I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not HIM. Are you feeling better now?I've seen you on the street bleeding and unconscious. It's a miracle I saw you on time. You've been asleep for two days now."

"T-two days ?!No ,I-I need to go. Can you help me escape ,I don't have any money to pay the bills." I can't believe I'm still alive! I frantically got up and pulled the dextrose causing me to grimaced by the pain.

"No no .Please. Calm down ,okay? I already took care of the bills. Don't worry about it."
the old man calmly say and push her carefully back to bed.

"What ?No ,I can't pay you Sir. But I'm thankful and forever be grateful for saving my ..life." I wanted to cry yet relieved that I still got a second chance to change my life.
I gently rub my left eye. The thing in there is already itchy.

"It's okay dear. I'm David Stone." his still smiling though they're something on his eyes. Sadness?

"I-I'm Eno." I hesitantly say. Even though he saved me I can't just trust someone especially a kind stranger. I've been used all my life ,a tool to fulfill my father's order. I frowned remembering him. I only hope I did the right decision by escaping him ,I only hope I'm truly free now.

"Eno. A boyish name yet it's given to a beautiful lady like you."
The way he said beautiful ,there's no malice in it ,its like how I imagine my father would say it to me.

I forced a smile .I don't wanna be rude to him. I strangely feel safe being around this old man even though his a total stranger.

"So,do you have someone we can call to?To inform you're here?"

I panic and I feel the fear of someone contacting my father ,though I'm not sure if he's dead or alive. I'll be dead if his still alive and known my betrayal. I left him in a middle of a 'war'.

"I....I-I have no one to c-call..." I lied and lowered my head so he can't see my fear .That's when reality hit me like a truck . I have no one now. Alone ..and free.

"Ohh. I'm sorry dear. You have no house to live in?" his voice laced with concern and worry.

How a stranger can feel more concern than  my own father ,I can't believed it.
I just nod .Doesn't know how to respond.

"You are always welcome in my house Eno." his welcoming voice offer.

I looked at him shocked .
"Oh no no Sir. You already save me and the bills ,I don't want to trouble you anymore." I have to decline ,I don't want to drag someone to my messed up and dangerous life.

He waved it off. "Don't worry about it. My house is big and you can stay there as long as you want or as long as you feel that you can live by yourself."

I doubted it ,I can't believe there's a kind man in front of me. I can't help to wish that this man is my father .I was never offered kindness before. My father was always harsh to me.
I don't want to take advantage of his offer so I offered a deal. Maybe this is my chance of being good, be love ,be a change person.

"I can work for you Sir!I know how to defend and fight ,I can be your bodyguard. I'll protect you with my life that you saved." Being a bodyguard was a spur of the moment ,I wanted to say I'm willing to be his helper or maid, but its the only way I think I can repay this kind man.

He look shocked by my offer but who wouldn't? I was here in the hospital because I was stabbed yet claimed to know how to fight.

"I was headed to the park that night because that's where I spend the nights for a couple of days already. But that night, I was chased by five guys and I'm already hungry because I didn't eat to save money. I was surprised that they have a knife that's why I was stabbed." I feel obliged to explained my side.

"You can really fight?" his tone became serious and his looking at her intently ,like his studying her.

I looked at him straight to his eyes. "Yes Sir!" I answered truthfully. I already decided to protect this kind man. I'll served him with all my life. I'll use my ability to protect and to not kill anymore. I can always protect him without killing anyone. I'll willingly catch a bullet for this man. And in hand to hand ,I'm my father's best fighter .And I have my powerful steeled boots of course.

"Okay. I'll give you a job when you're wound get better." He smiled and it's a heartwarming one." But why bodyguard?"he added.

"Ahh .You looked like a rich man so I thought someone like you needs protection .Being rich is dangerous ,right?And I saw someone in a suit standing outside" I pointed at the door that has a small glass window in the middle part.

He laughed.

I smile ,a real one.



Though she's not the one I was hoping for ,I still can't help but feel happy talking with Eno.

Eno have a beautiful silver grey eyes. It reminds me of my beautiful beloved wife.
Dark brown hair ,creamy skin and pointed nose. She looked like her when she was younger.
Though she was already gone because of a freak accident ,my wife will forever keep her place in my heart.

It's funny how I trust Eno already. Trust is a sensitive issue for me and no one can gain it without proving their honesty for a long period of time. But now, I trust Eno just by talking to her in less than thirty minutes. It's even strange for me.

I was definitely shocked when she offered her life to me .Though I have this feeling she's hiding her true identity ,I was grateful for her offer.
I won't pushed her to confess because I already trust my judgement. I know this young woman have a dark past and wanted to live a new life. She have so many scars ,especially her back. I accidentally saw it when the nurse stripped her clothes to hospital gown when he dropped her to the emergency room.

A knock and a nurse came inside and check Eno's dextrose. I can't help but chuckled when the nurse looked horrified seeing Eno's hand bleeding from her panic a while ago.

"You can't just pull your dextrose out. What if the needle remains inside your hand? You should be careful next time ,okay?" she scolded Eno like she's a 5 years old kid.

Eno's face became blank ."Sorry."
I frowned.

Her voice came distant too. Like she instantly build her walls up. She awkwardly shifted through her bed while the nurse holds her hand. She looked uncomfortable. Like she wanted to hide her hand.

'A complicated, strong and beautiful woman. Hmm.. I think Jake finally got his match.'

I smiled secretly .


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