12. Strike 2

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Jake assigned Thomas to drive while Nick on the front seat. Me and Jake the on back seat of his SUV.

Jake said he was planning to stay for 2 hours to sign some important contracts to his office ,his already late he said.

I'll be to accompany him to his office, I insisted outside ,Thomas and Nick to guard the entrance of the elevators. The few guard of Stone Corp. will be at the lobby and entrance to the stairs.
He suggested this when I discussed the attacked at the Club to Thomas and Nick.
And I'm very sure its only a matter of time that they will try it again.

David is going out of the country for business that's why Jake ,though his the COO will be the temporary CEO at the moment.

High risk for his life and him being out of his house is not really safe. It'll be much easy for them to kidnap him.


"Yes Eno?" he lifted his head to face me .He was currently working on his laptop.
He was really gorgeous ,especially on his business black suit ,push back hair, shaven and cleaned face and those sparkling blue eyes.

I blinked. I have no time for this.

"Are you planning on hiring new positions or do you vacancy? Especially on your floor area?"

If the person behind his threats wants him alive and unharmed ,they might do this as inside job. To gain trust ,loyalty and blow it up or to kidnap him silently.

Actually ,even being home is totally unsafe too ,but I'll take the risk .
I will find them first before they can lay a hand to Jake.

"Why? I don't think so , though I had my new PA last week."

"Last week?I don't really want to pry on your business Sir but we might have to run a background check on your PA. For precautionary purpose.
You said its been over a month that you have been receiving threats. And how those men knew you were in that specific club. We can't take that stupid risk,getting you by a inside job." I didn't realize my voice came out firm and cold ,again.

"Okay. I'll talk to Jerry, my computer genius friend." he said smiling.

I give him a small smile and look outside.

We somehow have a weird friendship now.

"We're here Sir." Nick informed.

This is the first time I'll be entering a company. I'm used to be at the drug den, dark allies ,basements ,fish ports ,abandoned buildings. All those crazy shit places.

We circled Jake when he was already out of the ,me on his right side, Thomas at the back and Nick on the left.

The receptionist smile widely upon seeing us or Jake.

"Good morning Mr.Stone." she make it sound sultry.
I almost roll my eyeballs but I remain cool and unaffected.
Its my official first day so ,gotta impress the boss,yeah?

"Good morning Sally." So ,Jake the playboy came back.

Nick and Thomas remained to guard at the entrance of the 2 elevators. A private and for employees.
The other guards are already in positions.

Jakes' office is on the 42th floor. When we arrived ,I narrowed my eyes to his PA who greet him politely.

She look older than a year. Blonde,blue eyes,plump lips and pale skin. She's pretty actually ,fit for a deceiving job.

She look at me with a frown. Curiosity and Uncertainty on her eyes.

"Good morning Mr.Stone and Ma'am?"her eye remain to Jake now. I saw how her blue eyes sparkles.

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