The start of a great journey always needs to have a tragic background story

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"I SWEAR IF YOU FOOLISH GIRL DROP ANOTHER PLATE IT ISN'T GOING TO BE THE ONLY THING BROKEN IN THIS HOUSE!" Father screams as I drop to my knees, cleaning up the mess that has become of the kitchen floor. A plate had dropped out of my hand when he had startled me with his screams, and now they were only getting louder with his anger.

"I'm sorry father I—" I try to apologize but he grabs me by the hair forcing me to look into his golden eyes, his breath reeking of alcohol and I scrunch my nose. Spirits I hate that smell.

"EXCUSES! that's all I hear! Where am I gonna get the money to buy a new plate?" He screams in my face and I shut my eyes. It's not like you pay for anything anyways, I think, taking a deep breath.

"I'll take an extra shift at the tea shop," I say and he releases my hair, stepping over me and into his room, shutting the wooden door behind.

"You better you worthless brat" I hear him mutter and I sigh as I finish cleaning the glass, not wanting him to stumble into the kitchen drunk and fall face first into shards... or maybe I do... I grab my apron and take a look in the mirror, pursing my lips when I realize that the dark bruise on my cheek hasn't healed. I close my ruby eyes and take a deep breath, moving my long dark hair in front of my face to cover the bruise. I brush off my oversized black shirt and pants before walking out of the house, making my way down the dirty streets, keeping my eyes down. I walk past the port and glance at boats, before making a right and walking into the tea shop.

"Hello, April?" I call out as I tie my apron around my waist, walking past the tables and chairs. An older tall, blond woman walks out from behind the counter and greets me with a smile.

"Isa darling, right on time" she says handing me a rag and I smile, taking it out of her hand as I start to wipe down the tables, keeping my hair in front of my cheek, not wanting her to worry.

"I was wondering if I could take another shift" I blurt out, not meeting her eyes.

"Is that what your father wants?" She crosses her arms in disapproval and I bite my lip, hating how she knows everything about me. I continue to wipe the tables, ignoring her gaze.

"No, no" I lie through my teeth "I want to buy a new shirt"

"Oh! Well then of course you can" April smiles and walks into the kitchen as she begins to boil tea, buying the lie and I huff when I hear a jingle and turn to see two men walking in.

"Hello and welcome to—" I start when one of the guys cuts me off

"Look sweetheart whatever she's paying you, I'll pay double for a night with you" the man winks at me and I try not to gag, my eyes widening at his confidence. How awful do you have to be to walk up to a teenage girl and offer to pay her for sex?

"I am sorry but I am not for sale" I scoff, crossing my arms. His friend glares at me and grabs my wrist, hard enough to bruise.

"He won't ask twice" he threatens and I pull my wrist back only for him to pull me roughly towards him, forcing me to look into his grey eyes. We don't get many people around here with grey eyes, I think, they must be traveling through here and decided to act like dicks.

"Let me go!" I tell him firmly as three people walk into the tea shop, but I don't focus on them, my gaze hardening on the man in front of me.

"Excuse me sir, I believe this lady said no" one of the boys that had walked into the shop says as he steps in, and I glance over at him, meeting his green eyes. The man lets go of my hand and gets up, his friend follows and they leave the shop. I sigh and smile at the boy, noticing his stance and his brown hair. Earth bender, I conclude.

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