Everything is fun and games until the bros are sick, (and not in the good way)

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We land somewhere in the woods and make our way to the small village near the water. I look around and I notice how familiar everything is.

"I've been here before" I mumble and look around at the boats. I spot a fishing boat and point at it "I know the owner of that boat"

"You know everyone" Sokka says and I shrug

"I lived by the port, countless people would stop by, I also worked at the only tea shop in the village so it was easy to meet people" I say and walk to the boat when I notice a familiar couple arguing in front of the boat and I run up to them.

"Haku? Pam?" I ask and they turn to look at me.

"Who's askin" Haku says and I smile

"I'm hurt you don't remember, as I recall you said you'd never forget the woman who made you the best tea you've ever had" I say in his deep voice and his eyes widen.

"Isa?" He asks and I nod "what are you doing so far from home?" He asks

"I'm traveling with friends" I say and point to Katara, Aang and Sokka who are standing behind me.

"Oh it's lovely to see you've made friends dear" Pam says and I smile.

"Yeah their great" I say "but we actually need a job, do you know anyone here who's hiring? I ask

"I'd be happy to take one you fishing with me" he says and looks at the boys behind me. His eyes widen in recognition and he points at Aang.

"You're the avatar!" He says and Aang nods.

"Yeah, it's nice to meet you" Aang says and Haku huffs

"Yeah nice too meet you too, 100 years after you were needed" Haku says in a rude voice and I frown.

"Haku there's no need to-" I say

"How can you say that when you've lost so much to the war? Your brother, my son, countless people. Where were you? Uh? Hiding under a rock somewhere" Haku says and I place an arm on Aangs shoulder.

"Please Haku, don't be rude to him" I say but Aang shrugs my a hand off and takes off. I sigh and look at Haku.

"Ah ah, don't you start scolding me!" He says "it's bad enough I have her" he points at Pam. I smile and look at Pam. She shakes her head and walks off.

"It was nice seeing you Isa, I'll see you at home Haku" she says

"Bye Pam" I say waving.

"So I'll be taking you fishing" Haku says taking Sokkas shoulder.

"Bye Sokka" I wave and walk off with Katara "I wonder if I can make new friends here" I say looking around the village.

"We have to go get Aang" Katara says and I nod.

"Right right" I say as we make our way to Appa "so after can I make new friends?" I ask

"Why do you make so many friends, I mean it's great that you always have someone you know everywhere, but it's a lot" she asks

"Well I guess when you have no one you try to make up for it with filling up the hole in your heart with other things, but it's like a bottomless pit and no matter what o put in it everything seems to spill out" I try to explain, moving my hand around and shrugging "making friends and have a person to go to no matter where makes life bearable" . Katara looks at me with sad eyes and I smile at her "Don't worry it's not bad" I say

"I hope one day you find something to plug up that hole" Katara says bumping my shoulder. I smile at her as we get on the bison and ride to find Aang. We have been riding for about 10 minutes when a storm hits.

"Oh great! I'm going to be sick!"" I say picking at my soaked clothes. Katara spots a cave and she decides to go in. We spot Aang and I wait outside the cave as Katara enters. I think this is going to be one of their romantic, I love you, moments, and that's gross. I sit outside and sharpen my arrows when I see Pam running to the cave. I get up and watch as she makes her way towards me.

"You have to help me Isa!" She says and I nod

"Of course, anything" I say

"Haku and Sokka are out there in the storm! They'll die!" She says frightened and my eyes widen.

"I heard everything were leaving" Katara says behind me and we climb Appa and make our way towards their boat. I look around frantically for Sokka and Haku. I look down at the water when I spot a fire nation ship. My eyes widen and I shake my head, ignoring the ship. We find Hakus ship and we dive for it. I grab on to Hakus hand but a huge wave knocks us off Appa. We fall into a dark abyss and I watch as Aang glows and spins an air bubble around everyone... except me. Great. Suddenly someone pulls me out of the water and I cough, throwing up water. I notice the hard metal floor, and the rough hands, and pull out my knife. Before I can someone places a fire knife to my throat and my eyes widen.

"Hello little prince" I smirk, even though my mind is screaming at me DANGER! Fire! Help!

"Peasant" he says in greeting. I look up to see Aang and the rest watching from Appa.

"I WONT HURT HER IF YOU BRING ME THE AVATAR!" Zuko screams and I roll my eyes

"Stop screaming you idiot!" I scream at him "AANG LEAVE! ILL BE FINE DONT WORRY" I wink and smile. Zuko presses his knife against my skin and I feel a burning sensation, but I continue smiling.

"ZOKU DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" Sokka screams and I roll my eyes. I look around. We're outnumbered, Zuko has himself, his uncle, and entire army with him. We have a boomerang, water, and a flying cow. I sigh and look up Sokka begging him to leave, I can't risk them getting hurt because of me. Sokka looks at me with sad eyes and I smile.

"WE'LL FIND YOU ISA DONT WORRY!" Sokka screams and I watch as they fly away into the eye of the storm. I breath out and smirk.

"So little prince, what do we do now?" I ask teasing. He throws me down on the floor in frustration and throws fire by my head. My eyes widen in fear but I don't show any other form of fear. An old man puts a hand on the princes shoulder and Zuko sighs.

"Take her to a cell, I'll talk to her later" Zuko says and one of his men picks me up "and scare her with fire, Ive seen her fight, don't underestimate her". The man lights a fire in his right hand and carry's me in his left.

"That's really no way to treat a lady" I mutter

"She's right you know" the old man says and I laugh.

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