You mess with pirates they mess with you

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"Isa! Wake up!" I hear someone scream and I stand up, immediately regretting my decision. I groan, my whole body burning but as I look around I realize that Sokka is trying to fight Po. Key word trying. I reach my bow and arrows just as Po try's to kill me with a sword, Placing my bow between the sword and my face.

"Are you kidding me Po!" I scream at him and he steps back, giving me enough time to nock my arrow pointing straight at his face. The sun is harsh and blinding, but I fight through it and through my aching body, watching as Sokka gets dragged off by some pirate from the corner of my eyes and I bite my cheek.

"What are you doing here?" He asks confused, his sword still up

"I'm helping these kids" I shrug "none of your business" I say in a low voice, pulling back the string of my bow even more and Po takes a small step back.

"These kids stole from me" he says angry, his sword moving between his right and left hand.

"Oh yeah! I didn't know you could steal something that was already stolen" I tease before shooting an arrow at his pants, watching as he falls back. I kick his sword out of his hand before he even has time to realize what is going on, and catch the hilt of the sword in midair, hitting him in the head with the butt of it, watching as he passes out. I chuckle, rolling my eyes as I pull the arrow out of his pants, nocking it again as I run towards Sokka, ignoring the way my body was yelling at me to just lie down.

"Isa! Isa! run away!" Sokka screams when he sees me running towards him. He's being held back by some pirates along with Aang on my right. On my left there are people I've never met before with Katara, who is tied to a tree. I purse my lips when I realize that I am quite literally standing in between the two groups, reaching into the sleeves of my shirt.

"Ok so this is awkward" I chuckle as I throw ninja stars at both sides, knocking some people out, "oh before I forget captain, can you tell April I say bye" I ask kindly just before all hell breaks loose and he nods.

"Of course" he smiles. A boy from my left with a scar on his face glares at me and shoots fire at my face. Everything seems to stand still as I watch fire form from his hands. My entire body shivers and I get flashes from the years of abuse. I jump out of the way and watch as the boy smirks.

"Afraid of fire?" He asks, raising his eyebrow. I glare at him but my body seems to have gone into shock.

"Zuko leave the girl alone, look at her" an old man says, but I don't pay attention to what happens because the name Zuko clicks in my head.

"You're the banished prince" I say surprised and the boy shifts uncomfortably "the one his daddy threw out of his own home, at what? The age of 13, you grew since the last time I heard about you, not bad" I tease and wink. I can tell that the prince is getting angry but I continue making my way towards him "you were sent out of the place by your own father to capture someone everyone thought was dead, and you really think that your father will welcome you back with open arms" I roll my eyes and glare at him. His fists are tight, but I continue teasing. If I can distract them long enough I can buy some time for Aang and the rest to get free. I glance at Katara and wink, turning back to the prince.

"You have no right speaking to me like that peasant" he screams at me and I snort .

"Oh! I am sorry my lord" I mock him and bow "do you want a side of tea with your banishment or is the shame you feel enough?"

"YOU PEASANT!" He screams and tries to attack me but I move out of the way. He ends up hitting a pirate and the captain has had enough.

"That's it! We are done with waiting! Attack!" He orders the pirates and a smoke bomb goes off. I grin and make my way to Katara freeing her from the tree.

"Thank you!" She says "but how did you know that would work?" She asked, looking at the prince from the corner of her eyes and I shrug, taking her hand as we sneak past the fight.

"I don't know, it all happened by mistake but the bad guys don't need to know that" I laugh and place my bow and arrow on my back, raising my knife as I lead Katara through the mess. I pick up any of the weapons I find on the way and grin when I find a throwing knife. We make it out of the smoke cloud and run away from the fight when we see that Aang and Sokka have made it out as well. Sokka looks out at the boats and I see the light bulb on top of his head light up.

"Come on guys!" He says and we follow him "we need to get their boats in the river so they can't follow us!" Sokka says and I nod.

"But how will we push—?" I ask when I stop myself "water bending!" I say and watch as Aang and Katara work together to push the boat into the water.

"It's nice to have a non bender on the team" Sokka mumbles and I smile... I wouldn't call myself a non bender exactly, but he doesn't need to know that.

"Glad to be of service" I say and hop on the boat with the rest of them. We make it down the river when the bad guys notice we're gone. They follow us in a boat and slowly climb onto our boat, making me bandage my chest tightly, before I knock some of them down with the knives I had picked up while Katara tries to protect us with water bending. Aang blows on some type of whistle and Sokka is throwing his boomerang in every direction. All of a sudden we reach a waterfall and my eyes widen.

"Ok so I'm gonna die today... no biggie" I shrug and continue fighting. Sokka takes my hand and leads me to Aang.

"We need to jump," Aang says and my eyes widen. I take a deep breath and nod. If the kid says jump then what else am I supposed to do? If I stay on the boat I'll end up falling down the waterfall anyways... maybe Aang has a plan?

"Ok" I say calmly "just say when"

"Are you kidding me! I'm not jumping!" Sokka says and I look at him.

"It's either jump or fall" I shrug and look at Aang, he nods and I smile jumping off the boat happily.

"I hate it here" Sokka mutters before jumping with Aang and Katara.

I was free falling for a bit before I see that a huge flying bison is waiting under me. I position myself so I land on his fur and not the saddle and land on the flying bison safely. I watch as the rest land on the bison and look at me weirdly.

"Yeah?" I ask

"You just jumped off a waterfall! No questions asked and you're sitting here like it's nothing!" Sokka says and I shrug.

"There is nothing to fear but fear itself" I say smiling and get myself comfortable in the saddle. Sokka shakes his head and lies down defeated. Katara walks over to me and gestures for me to lie down. I do as she says and she rubs a healing cream on my wounds.

"Thank you" I say smiling but Katara frowns

"I am sorry, but most of these will scar," she mumbles and I shrug.

"I know that's fine" I smile and sit up. I go through my bag and take out my black shirt putting it over my bandages. I put a pair of shorts on and laugh when I see that the bandages are sticking out.

"I'm gonna take a nap now" I mutter and lie down, falling asleep as soon as my head touches the saddle.

"How is she happy all the time?" Sokka asks and Katara looks at the girl sadly

"I don't know Sokka, I just hope she stays happy forever," Katara says.

"I'm glad she's here," Aang says and everyone nods, looking down at the odd girl.


hey guys, have a wonderful day 

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