honestly if this how rich people live I should invest in finding a rich partner

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After being floating aimlessly in the ocean for 3 days we found a harbor to stop at. We walk around when we find a resort, and walk into a hut where we are met with a kind looking woman. 

"Hello, are you here for a room?" She asks and Iroh nods. 

"Yes please" He says and the woman looks at us.

"One for you sir, and another for the young couple?" She asks and I chuckle.

"You wish" I mumble to Zuko and he rolls his eyes.

"Yes, that would great" Iroh says and the woman smiles taking two keys from under the table and leading us through the beautiful resort. 

"Over there is our spa, and we have yoga everyday at 6, and meditation at 8" She says pointing at a large hut to her left. The entire resort is filed with beautiful flowers and trees. Zuko looks as angry and sad as always but I ignore him and enjoy this once in a lifetime experience "This is your room Sir" The woman hands Iroh the key and he walks in to his room. Zuko and I walk behind the lady to the next hut right next to Iroh's. "This is your room, enjoy" The woman walks away, giving Zuko the key. Zuko opens the door and I step in.

"This is amazing" I breath and look around at the beautiful hut. There is a queen sized bed on the right side of the room, with two small tables on each side. There is a small kitchen to my left and a table with two chairs. There are flowers everywhere. I out my bow and arrow down on the table and look at the door in the back of the room. I walk towards the door and open it, there is the prettiest bathroom I have ever seen in my entire life. 

"Zuko this is amazing!" I say looking at him and close the door. He rolls his eyes and sits down in one of the chairs. 

"I've seen better" He says and I huff.

"Of course you have! You're the prince! you're rich and I'm sure you've never had to work in your life" I say rolling my eyes and sitting in front of him. He glares at me and I stare back. 

"You dont know anything about me" Zuko says all angry and I smile. 

"Well then tell me something about you, and your incredibly hard life" I say and Zuko glares at me, he looks like hes about to scream at me when someone knocks on the door. I stand up and open the door. 

"Hi Iroh" I say when I see it him. He smiles at me. 

"We are going to the spa kids, lets go" He says taking my hand and I look at him surprised. 

"Umm, ok" I say as he takes me to the spa. I look behind me to see Zuko smirking at me and I lift my middle finger at him, quickly dropping my hand when Iroh turn around. 

"Come on Zuko!" He calls out to him and Zuko walks behind us. We enter the spa and Iroh lets go of my hand. 

"Hello, would you like to use the spa today?" The woman working at the spa asks and Iroh nods "Women's dressing room is to the right, Men to the left". I wave to Iroh and Zuko, and walk to the dressing room. I enter and I am met with a beautiful room full of lockers, mirrors, and a bathroom. I walk over to a locker and pull out a white silk robe. 

"Excuse me miss" a lady behind me says and I turn around smiling. 

"Yes?" I ask 

"The young man told us that you don't have a bathing suit, so he purchased one for you" The lady says handing me a black bathing suit. I smile and bow. 

"Thank you" I say and she nods, walking out of the room. I look at the plain black bathing suit and sigh. Bathing suit?  I don't know....

I take off my shirt and pants, looking in the mirror at my scared body. I turn around and look at the huge light pink scar on my back and I sigh. I rub my arms and bite my lip. You can do this! Fuck this! People don't control you! Opinions don't fucking matter! You are sexy! I give myself an inspirational speech and remove my underwear, putting on the full bathing suit. I take my hair out of my usual ponytail, hoping it would cover some of the scars, as I play with the white strand. 

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