Hello fire my old friend, I'm joking, I hate fire

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Being on the ship wasn't so bad. I've only been here for 1 hour but I've gotten tea from the old man, who I learned is called Iroh. He's nice, fire nation though, I don't have many friends in the fire nation, I should make some....

"Where is the avatar heading?" I hear Zuko scream at me. I turn around from my place in the cell and smirk.

"I don't know" I say shrugging. Zuko looks at me with fire in his eyes. I feel the urge to take a step back but I fight the urge. I stand my ground and glare him down.

"You will tell me where the avatar is!" He screams at me and grin

"And how will you make me? Uh? Are you going to beat me? Burn me?" I ask lifting my sleeves and showing my scars and bruises and burns "you don't scare me, death doesn't scare me" I watch as Zukos face go from rage to a hint of sadness. I shrug at Zuko and turn back to facing the metal wall.

"Face me you brat!" Zuko screams and I shake my head.

"Your chakras aren't aligned, and you emotions are so mixed, I can't... your different" I say feeing the vibrations of his body, the beat of his heart, the way he breaths.

"What are you getting at!" Zuko screams and I feel his spirit in pain. I wince at his souls pain and shake my head.

"You are in need of great help, when the day comes that you chose to change, and it will, it will be a painful one" I say sadly.

"I'm done" Zuko says leaving. I turn back to look at him through the gate.

"You know youre quite rude, even your good looks don't make up for your crappy attitude" I mumble as he storms out. I giggle and sit down facing the wall. I feel for the weapons hiding under my bandages and smile when I notice they are still there. One knife, 5 ninja stars, a switch blade, and a throwing knife. Mmmm not bad... could be enough to get me out of here, but than where would I go? I need a game plan....

"Hello miss, I hope my nephew hasn't been too harsh" Iroh says walking in

"Oh no, he was great, I don't really expect much since I'm prisoner here" I say

"Well you haven't done anything wrong"

"You don't know me"

"That is true, but I can tell your heart is in the right place"

"Your nephew's isn't" I mumble

"Yes, he is a troubled young man"

"Yes well you are here for something, are you not?" I ask getting off subject, I just want to be left alone and figure out my game plan.

"The guard that took you here didn't check for weapon, I was wondering if you had any you would like to give to me" he says and I turn to face him. I pull out my knife from the waistband of my pants, and another one from my boot. I hand Iroh the weapons and sit back down.

"You see, when we first met I recall you had pulled weapons out of your bandages" Iroh says and I curse internally. There's no point in keeping them anyways.

"I'm giving them to you without a struggle, but you have to promise me you'll take care of them. They were my brothers" I say as I unwrap the bandages letteing the weapons fall to the floor. I only leave a small knife in my other boot, in case I get a chance to escape.

"Of course" Iroh says making it very obvious he was staring at my burns and scars. I pick up everything I had with me and hand it to Iroh "thank you for being so kind" he says as he walks out.

"Yeah, it's no problem" I say as I begin to rewrap the bandages. I lie down and stare at the ceiling. There's nothing to do so I feel the vibrations around me. Two guards at the door. Men. Firebenders by their stance. There is a floor above me. People are walking, it's the deck. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before taking my necklace out playing with the ring on the silver chain. I think about 3 hours past before prince Zuko came in.

"Hello prince Zuko" I say not getting up and tilting my head backwards so I can see him.

"Tell me where the Avatar is!" Zuko screams at me and I lie down completely staring at the ceiling.

"Zuko, why don't you tell me why you're looking for the avatar"

"So I can restore my honor!" Zuko says and I nod

"Right, ok, and you are trying to gain respect from the man who abused you?" I ask and leave Zuko dumbfound.

"My father was just teaching me a lesson!" Zuko says after a couple seconds "and it's none of your business!"

"Ok I'm sorry, but will this honor bring you joy?" I ask and Zuko looks at me like I'm crazy "you know, will making you abusive dad happy, make you happy?"

"Yes of course!" Zuko says and I nod. So the problem is definitely physiological. He is self destructive, has no self worth, and fully depends on others options. Good to know.

"Ok and what if I told you that none of that will bring you inner peace?" I ask and turn to lie down on my stomach so I can see his reaction. He looks at me with frustration and he groans.

"What is it with you and these questions?" Zuko asks and I shrug. He storms out of the room and I nod. Ok, that was interesting....

This chapter was short but it's kind of just their interaction.
Don't worry, chapters won't always be this short!

Have a wonderful day!

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