Girllll Talk!!!

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"Zuko love, heres the pot" I hand him a tea pot and he smiles, heating up the water in his hand. I take a small step back from the fire from pure instinct. Zuko stops abruptly, dropping the tea pot and puts his hands out.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Isa I didn't mean to scare you" Zuko apologizes quickly and I shake my head, dropping down and kneeling next to him.

"Zuko its ok" I place my hands over his and he doesn't move, afraid he'll hurt me. I hold his hand tighter, looking into his eyes "Zuko dont beat yourself up over my reaction, ok? It isnt your fault" I try to convince him and he sighs, looking away from me. I pick up the pot, placing it over his hands "Can you heat it up for me?" I ask

"Are you-"

"Please Zuko" I urge him and he slowly heats the water, his hand barely above room temperature and I sigh "Zuko, you're never going to heat up the tea at this rate" I chuckle and he smiles softly, heating up his hands a bit more. The water heats and I carry the pot to the rest of the gaang, sitting down next to Sokka as he plays with a stick.

"Are you ok?" I ask, my eyes wavering as Zuko joins the circle, sitting down on my left and I lean against him, using his chest to prop myself up.

"It's just-" he mumbles before he turns to look at me "do you think my dads safe?" He asks not knowing where he is and I blink.

"I could check" I offer but Zuko places a hand on my thigh
"I think I might actually know" Zuko says and Sokka eyes his hand wearily, before looking up at Zuko "they are probably keeping your dad in a prison called the Boiling Rock" he says and I sit up, his hand flying off my thigh, my eyes wide at the mention of the prison.

"The Boiling Rock?" I ask in a hushed tone and Katara and Toph lean in to the conversation

"Yeah, what's wrong" Zuko asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing... I just... know a couple of people there" I mumble, playing with my fingers as I lean back on Zuko.

"You know people in prison?" Toph asks and I nod

"I know a lot of people in many prisons... just in this specific prison, I may be responsible for placing half of the guys there" I mumble

"You arrested people?" Sokka asks surprised that I would ever fallow the law and I snort

"I collected bounties, with the Rough Rhinos" I explain, playing with a ring on my finger.

"So have you ever been there?" Sokka asks hopefully and I nod

"Yeah, the security there is insane" I shake my head "the whole prison is surrounded by boiling water, there are countless guards, cooler rooms for the misbehaving Fire benders, and the Warden" I nearly shake at the thought of him "he's... ruthless"

"But you think there's a chance my dads there?" Sokka asks hopefully and I place a hand on the ground, trying to find the prison when Zuko pulls my hand away.

"You'll pass out, the prison is far from here" he warns and I sigh

"Then you'll catch me" I tell him and he just shakes his head. I once again spread my fingers on the ground, my vision climbing between mountains and city's, people and houses... when I find the prison. I strain to get a clear look at peoples faces, clenching my teeth as I search the halls and yards, when I get to searching the 4th floor I pant, my eyes landing on Hakoda. I lean my full weight against Zuko without warning and he grunts, catching me "he's there" I whisper and Sokkas eyes widen

"You didn't have to do that you know" he smiles and I wave him off, my eyes closing

"Yeah yeah" I whisper, passing out.

I wake up to a feeling of cool water on my forehead. My eyes flutter open and I smile up at Katara, who was bending water along my forehead, trying to make me comfortable.

"Hey" I whisper and she she smiles softly

"Hey Isa" She says in her comforting sweet voice.

"Oh! She's awake!" I hear Haru yell happily, running over to me. I sit up on the cot that I was placed, looking around the temple.

"You've been out for about a day" Katara explains and my eyes widen

"Thats longer then usual" I mumble and she rubs my back, Haru looks down at me with a crooked smile.

"Dont worry about it Dian Dian" He grins and I snort, getting up from the cot and pushing his shoulder playfully.

"Shut up" I mutter looking out at Teo, who was talking with Toph.

"Zuko and Sokka took off yesterday night, Zuko wanted me to tell you that he will be back soon" Haru says and I nod

"And!" Toph yells "HE SAID THAT HE LOVES YOU!" she jokes and I snicker. Katara just frowns and I sigh, standing up and taking her had in mine.

"He's sorry you know" I tell her and she looks away, I pull her with me, sitting down next to the edge of the temple with her, away from the rest of the gaang "why cant you forgive him?" I ask her and she rubs her temple.

"I cant forgive him, I just cant"

"You blame him for your mothers death?" I ask and she plays with her fingers

"My entire life the fire nation has always been something that I had hated, an enemy, something evil... and I love you" She says quickly "I do, but I cant just change my feelings about this... I saw how you jumped when Zuko lit the fire with his hands" I glace at her and she places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"It's not him-" I try to explain and she looks at me with knowing eyes, and now I understand that its nothing personal against Zuko, but a hate towards the Fire Nation.

"I will learn to... tolerate him" She says and I smile

"He's great, once you get to know him"

"What was it like when you were trying to get to know him?" Katara asks and I laugh, looking up at the sky.

"He was an ass!" I tell her and she chuckles, "After I left with him from the Northern Water Tribe we spent 3 days out at sea" I groan and Katara laughs "But then we found this beautiful resort! And we talked for a while... he was very moody" I grin "You know, in Ba Sing Se I saw a spirit that told me to kiss him"

"A spirit came all the way to the physical world.. to tell you to kiss him?" Katara asks not believing that a spirit would bother herself with that and I nod.

"Yeah... and she told me that the same night he had gone on a date with someone else" I snort and Katara gasps


"Yes" I laugh


Hey guys!!

How are you? I hope you are all well and happy! This chapter is just a Katara and Isa bonding one, cute and short. (could it be the calm before the storm?- who know ;))

Have a great day!! :)

The Girl Who Could Do It AllOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora