Air temples are wack, like who built this?

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I lead the assault forward, but we were quickly outmanned and outgunned.

"Fall back!" I yell and the rest of the men nod. I look to my left, surprised to find Haru and his father in the midst of things. I shoot an arrow at another guard, reaching for another when I pull out my last one. My sparkly pink one. I grip on it, looking at it with sad eyes.

"Sorry" I whisper before shooting it at a fire nations tank and watching as it goes up in flames "fall back into the mountains!" I yell and everyone fallows, going back to where I left Hakoda and Katara. I feel Sokka, Aang and Toph running back and I furrow my eyebrows, trying to stay focused on the attack and my men, pulling out my knives.

"I want earth benders on the front lines! Make walls!" I order and watch as they scurry up "water benders fall back and help carry the wounded" I yell knowing that there is a limited water supply, and wasting it all now would be a mistake.

"Isa! Do we continue falling back?" Bato asks running up to me and I look out at the war torn mountain.

"There isn't much choice"I say gravely "Fire benders will soon realize that we have no further plans of attack, they are able to fire bend and they will not show mercy, we have to get off the island" I look back at the wounded with a sigh and Bato nods.

"Alright" he says and runs back to the rest of the water tribe men, helping carry the wounded. I run up to Haru with a smile.

"Hey Haru" I throw a knife over the wall he had just built, embedding it in a soldiers stomach.

"Isa!" He asks surprised and I nod "long time no see" he grins

"Yeah" I mumble pulling his mustache "that is not a look" I laugh and he rolls his eyes, throwing a boulder onto the enemy.

"What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like?" I ask signaling an earth bender that has strayed too far to close in "fighting some fire benders, getting into trouble" I shrug throwing another knife over the wall.

"The usual" Haru laughs and I nod, looking over his shoulder and at Tyro, his dad, and my father figure.

"Hey Tyro" I wave exited and he turns to look at me.

"Isa!" He smiles wide when Sokka, Toph and Aang return.

"So?" I ask, my eyes widening when a fleet of airships fly over our heads, destroying the submarines. Escape plan is over... fuck.

"Shit" I mumble "Alright!" I yell gathering everyone up "Appa is the only way off the island now! The young and the wounded go with us, the rest stay here..." I frown looking over the weary faces of my men "We will get captured, but what is most important right now is making sure Aang" I turn to face him "gets out of here safely"

"But-" Aang starts and I shake my head

"Now is not the time to argue about this" I warn him and he frowns, his gaze shifting to he ground.

"I will stay here with the rest of the men" Hakoda steps up and I open my mouth to protest, I can go to prison, help find an escape plan.

"Now is not the time to argue" Hakoda says with a soft smile and I nod.

"Alright, everyone say their good byes, we're leaving" I yell out to the group and watch as the young say goodbye to the old. I walk over to Tyro, waiting until he finishes his good bye to Haru. He turns to face me, and opens his arms. I immediately hug him, tears in my eyes. Tyro had helped me in countless ways, and I had lived with him and his family when I was 7 years old for a year. They had treated me like family, and I had cried for months after I was forced back home. I pull back from the hug and he places both of his hands on my cheeks, looking down at me with teary eyes.

"Stay safe Ya Tou"he says using a nickname I hadn't heard in years.

"You too" I smile softly, nodding.

"Alright, let's go!" Sokka yells and I pull back, smiling at Tyro, and taking Harus hand, pulling him up on Appa with me. I look out at the rest of the kids on the saddle, my eyebrows furrowing when I see The Duke and Smerlerbee, who were both in Jets gang, and Teo, an old friend from the Air Temple. We wave goodbye, and fly off on Appa, a feeling of saddens and guilt washing over everyone until Toph opens her mouth.

"So" she grins "you and Zuko?" She asks and I choke.

We land at the Air Temple and I jump off Appa Harus hand still in mine as I look around at the walls and columns, the feeling of spirituality overwhelming me. I shiver slightly and Sokka raises an eyebrow.

"Need Zuko here to keep you warm?" He asks and I roll my eyes, Haru eyes me and I pull my hand out of his.

"Shut up" I mutter and he sticks his tongue out.

"Are you really dating the Prince of the Fire Nation?" Haru asks in a brotherly overprotective way and I nod.

"Yeah... Zukos my boyfriend" I admit and everyone's eyes go wide.

"But..." Haru mumbles "you hated the fire nation when you were a kid! You used to cut up the hay outside of our house and pretend you were killing fire nation soldiers!"

"Our house?" Aang asks

"Yeah I lived with Haru when I was younger" I say offhand

"Why didn't you say anything?" Katara asks and I turn to face him

"I thought you were dead" he says and I frown "I mean you were always getting in trouble, and one day you stopped sending letters and I was sure...." he sighs and I take his hand back in mine.

"I'm not dead" I smile softly and Haur smiles back.

"Awwww" Sokka says sarcastically and I turn to face him "everyone is happy and reunited, can we get some food?" He asks and I chuckle, placing my bag on the floor and throwing him a sack. He catches it and looks it at for a second before opening it.

"What is this?" He asks

"Fire flakes" I grin "I got everyone a sovereign" I grin "well not everyone since I didn't know there would be so many people..." I mumble looking around the group "but I'm sure you can share" I smile handing Katara a water bending scroll from the Palaces library, Aang a necklace that had belonged to the air nomads, but was kept in a locked chamber in the Palace... well not anymore.

"This is a rock from some ancient volcano that doesn't exist anymore" I say handing Toph a red rock on a bracket, and watch she starts to play around with it "and I got fire nation candy" I pull out more sacks handing everyone who didn't get gifts one.

"How did you get all of this?" Katara asks looking at everything suspiciously "I thought you were on the run"

"I have so much to tell you" I mumble trying to think of where to start "Well I guess I should start with what happened after I left the North Pole...

Hey guys!
So Isa is back with the gaang! Yay!
Anyways! Have a wonderful day and stay safe! 🌻🌻💛💛

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