I swear if Sokka, Katara and Aang are having fun i will cry

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"We shouldn't be begging for food!" Zuko complains and I shake my head, leaning against the wall of a building.

"Just shut up Zuko, honestly you couldn't have expected life on the run to be fun and games" I tell him and he sighs, leaning back with me. People pass by and a pretty woman puts a few coins in our straw hat.

"Thank you, your kindness is appreciated" Iroh says and the woman smiles, walking away. I look up when An arrogant looking man walks up to us.

"I'll give you a gold coin for a performance" the man says looking at me. My eyes widen but Iroh notices my distress and gets up.

"It's a long, long way to Ba Sing Se
But the girls in the city they look so pretty
And they kiss so sweet that you've really got to meet. The girls from Ba Sing Se!" Iroh sings in a horrible tone and I grin. The man swings his sword at Irohs feet forcing him to dance. I glare at the man as he laughs, throwing a gold coin at the floor and walks away.

"That was so humiliating!" Zuko groans and I roll my eyes.

"There are worse things Zuko" I mumble, wanting to hit him for how stupid he is. The fuck did he think the man meant by performance?? Obviously not singing. Especially not from Iroh.


I wake up when I hear someone move outside the cave. I quickly stand up and grab my knife, using the light of the dying fire to move through the darkness. I exit the cave and watch as Zuko grabs his mask.

"What are you doing Zuko?" I whisper and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"I'm going to get us some food" he says and puts on his blue mask. I roll my eyes and take a black piece of cloth trying it around the lower half of my face. I raise the cloth to cover my nose and I take my hair out of the bun that I had put it in to sleep, the white strand in my hair falling in front of my face.

"Ok let's go rob some bitches" I say and walk after Zuko. He places the mask at the top of head so I can see that he's rolling his eyes. We walk back to the quite town, and Zuko hops onto the roof of a house. I jump onto the house across from his and we make our way silently towards the arrogant man who made Iroh sing for him. I look at Zuko and he nods, putting the mask on his face. He drops behind the man and I land in front of him. In the darkness he can't see us but he knows we're there.

"Show yourself!" the man demands and I watch as Zuko hits the man from behind, making him drop his dual swords, which Zuko takes. I walk towards the man as Zuko places a sword at his throat.

"Hello" I say playing with my knife "money?" I ask with an innocent voice.  The man looks at me with fear in his eyes and nods.

"It's right there" he says pointing to the small bag on his belt. I grab it and walk away into the shadows, climbing on top of the building and watching as Zuko let's go of the man, who run away from him. I grin and wait for Zuko to join me on the roof.

"Nice swords" I say when Zuko sits down next to me. He lifts his mask and grins "you know as your spiritual guide or whatever I really shouldn't be condemning this behavior, but I really don't give a fuck" I joke and Zuko grins. I take the money of the pouch and look at how much there is.

"There is enough money here to last us a week" Zuko says and I smile.

"Let's head back" I say and Zuko nods. We make our way back to the cave and Zuko puts the pouch of money in his bag. I look up at the moon and imagine Yue looking down at me, probably very disappointed.

"Sorry" I mumble and take the cloth off my face.

This is how most nights went. Zuko and I would go into town and take from people I deemed we could steal from. We didn't take anything from elderly, children, the poor, or people who have shown us kindness. Zuko didn't really care, as he felt entitled to take what he wanted, but I would hit him across the head anytime he even suggested we take money from someone who needed it more than us. I believe that teaching him is best with a firm hand, Zuko probably wouldn't agree.

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