7.Unexpected Love

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"Will you please clean up this mess?" Hammad asked helplessly for the thousand time.

"Oh come on, don't try to boss me around. I'll first get rid of this travel tiredness and then I'm gonna do any work." She said yawning and sprawled on the bed.

They returned from their trip yesterday night and whilst taking out her favourite night suit she bought in Lucknow , she almost emptied her luggage throwing things here and there which caused a great deal of mess which she promised Hammad to clean up early next morning, and  now it was nearly afternoon but the girl wasn't done with her sleep. She just got up to fill her empty stomach and again went to sleep.

Fuming at her, He bend down and started cleaning it himself, whilst muttering things under his breath.

"Aww Hammad, you dont have to do it." She said sleepily before closing her eyes again.

"You are going to shift in your old room. I'm not going to let you sleep here." Hammad shouted at her before storming out with her luggage.

She didn't pay any attention to him and continued her sleep.

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"Where are you going?" He asked her who was going to her previous room after dinner.

After sleeping to her heart's content she got up and freshened up, cooked dinner but kept ignoring Hammad.

Since Hammad has calmed down and almost forgot the incident when he shouted at her, he tried talking to her as usual.

He felt her silent treatment but thought it might be  figment of his imagination.

But after dinner he saw her going towards her previous room and he knew something was wrong.

"Going to sleep." She answered, without looking at him.

"Why are you not coming to our room?" He asked her even though he knew her answer.

"Are you even serious? Now you got the audacity to ask me why?" She fumed and turned back to go.

"Listen I'm sorry Ok, now come." He said whilst grabbing her hand.

"Leave my hand." She hissed at him.

"I said I'm sorry na?" He pulled her towards him and she collided with his chest.

"Leave me Hammad, I swear I'll break your nose." She squirmed in his arm.

"You can't, you have told me that you love my nose the most." He said enveloping her in a warm hug.

"Now I don't love your proudy nose any more." She mumbled hiding her face in his chest whilst hitting his arm.

"Proudy or not, its yours so don't complain." He said and dragged her towards their room.

The way they handle each other was the beauty of their relationship.

Zara knew how to have fun with the her boring husband amd Hammad knew how to keep her childishness in check.

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hammad was home but it was unsual that Zara didn't come to greet him.

Thinking she might be sleeping he went towards the kitchen to have a glass of water.

But his heart squeezed painfully as he saw her sprawled on the kitchen floor.

He ran towards her calling her name.

He checked her pulse which was slow.

He tried picking her up but his leg was still in the process of healing and it pained a lot.

Not giving any heed to his pain he carried her to the car and asked the driver to take them hospital.

He was panicking, he didn't know what happened to her suddenly.

'Please Allah do not let her happen anything.' He prayed whilst taking her in his and kissing it lovingly.

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"How is she doctor?" He asked the doctor as soon as he exited the observation room.

"Mr. Hammad, I need to talk to you, please come with me." The doctor seriously said before gesturing him to follow him.

His heart beat quickened and he prayed for everything to be well.

"Mr. Hammad, I need to know some personal information from you before I proceed to tell you about her."The doctor asked him after they took their seat in his  cabin.

" Is there any relationship problem between you both? " He asked and hammad jekred his head up to look at him after hearing the most irrelevant question according to him.

"No." He answere shortly, clearly not liking his question.

"Mr. Hammad, but her case shows that something is eating her from inside and it wasn't anything but nervous breakdown which is very uncommon amongst her age."

Hammad was shocked to his core. He didn't even see her crying or sad anytime.

She always seemed happy go lucky girl.

"Does she have troubled past?" The doctor asked him again.

"I don't know." He said while trying to remember anything that would be cause of her nervous breakdown.

"She is fine now, but to completely cure her we need to know the cause of her illness. It would be best, if you can make her talk about the things she has bottled up." The doctor said and paused before continuing "Anyways, you can take her home after two hours and bring her after a week for further checkup."

"Thank you doctor."He said before exiting the cabin.

'What's bothering her? I need to talk to her family.'He thought before walking towards the ward Zara was in.

Assalam o Alaiykum and hello my lovelies

So the thing is, I left the story in the middle and now when I tried continuing it, I found it hardest to connect to this story plot.

After writing and deleting so many draft, this is the one I'm publishing( still not satisfied with work).

I just hope unlike me u find it interesting

Next update will be tomorrow

So till than

Stay happy safe and sound

Love you all❤️❤️


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