2.Tangled Threads

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"Here's your dinner." When she opened the door of her assigned room hearing knock, he was standing there with  all his glory with a plate filled with delicious food.

Not wanting to stand in front of his intimidating form for long she snatched the plate hastily muttering 'thanks' and closed the door on his face.

He shook his head with a smirk and turned towards his room.

Whilst eating, her mind again went to the incident that landed her there.

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" Do you Eishal Ibrahim accept Haris sheikh......"

"Stop this nonsense."

The Islamic scholar was  cut off in the middle by loud angry voice.

She jerked her head towards the source of the voice and her eyes widen seeing the most unexpected person Standing there.

"Chote saab, what happened?" Her father asked the man meekly.

"Are you serious Yawar chacha(uncle), you are marrying her off to the man thrice her age." He shouted angrily.

Few people who were present there to attend her nikah with sympathetic look for her were now curiously looking at the unexpected scene being unfold.

"So you are Zulfiqar Ali Shah's grandson, who he was worried about being bewitched." The groom said crookedly with mouth full of betel leaf.

She find it weird but her already numb mind couldn't function properly.

"Chote saab, its better you leave otherwise bade saab would be furious." Her father politely asked him to leave.

"I will leave but first throw them out."He said this time calmly sitting beside the groom.

Yawar Ibrahim didn't know what he should do.

He looked at his wife Madeeha who was helplessly looking at him.

Before he could do anything, they heard the arrival of Zulfiqar Ali Shah .

"What are you doing here Uzair Ali Shah?" His voice calm yet it held stormed within.

He stood up respectfully and paid his salaam before saying.
"Dada jaan, I learnt from you to raise my voice against the bad things happening in our society."

"I'm sure, her father knows what he is doing."Zulfiqar Ali Shah's voice echoed in that small two bedroom house.

No one ever dared to argue with Zulfiqar Ali Shah but Uzair Ali Shah became an exception.

" Dada jaan I'm sorry if I sound rude I'm sure her father surely knows what's better for his daughter but he cannot go against you to save her life, can he?." This time Uzair directly looked into his eyes.

Zulfiqar was taken aback by his tone.

Eishal was looking at him who was adamant on saving her from hell like life and for that he was standing rooted on his place in front of the man everyone fears.

She couldn't comprehend about the things they were talking about, she could only understand his firm voice phrasing sentences which where giving glimpses of hope to her.

"Uzair Ali Shah, leave this place now and remember I do not like to repeat." Zulfiqar said and gestured the malvi to start the nikah.

All the spectators were frightened as well as intrigued by the situation.

"I will not leave unless and until you assure me that this illogical marriage is not gonna happen." He stood firm.

Before Zulfiqar Ali Shah could retaliate, many reporters came there.

He very well knew that it was his grandson's deed to call reporters to seal his lips.

Zulfiqar didn't expect anything like this so he came without any armed man and when he saw flashing lights and heard questions thrown at him, he regretted this.

"Me and my grandfather, Zulfiqar Ali Shah is here to stop this mismatched nikah." He answered the reporters confidently.

Seeing all this Haris stood up furiously.

"You didn't do good to me.?" He said to Zulfiqar.

Zulfiqar got trapped in his grandson's plan, he couldn't do anything now, his words and action now was in front of the world and one wrong move will cause him severe harm in the coming election.

" Saab, if the groom now return without marrying her, her image will be tarnished and nobody would marry my daughter." Madeeha said in broken tone.

She never wanted this marriage for her daughter but they were threatened by Zulfiqar's people to get her married soon with the groom of Zulfiqar's choice.

They didn't know why they wanted their daughter married.

They couldn't fight those feudal people so they did what they were asked but now they were unknowingly tarnishing her daughter image and she could not keep quiet at that.

"Sir, why don't you ask your grandson to get married to her, if you do not want me to marry her?" Haris said menacingly and loud enough for everyone to hear.

He do not like to keep debt and since he thought he was  dragged in this situation Because of Zulfiqar, he needed to pay.

" Yes, sir why don't you get her married to your grandson ?" One of the reporter asked.

"We know that man from your family do arrange marriages, so why don't you arrange this marriage." Yet another question.

"Are you reluctant because of her status? But we have always heard you speaking about equality." Another reporter spoke.

Eishal was dumbstruck seeing everything.
It was another thing that Uzair came to help her but she knew his dislike for her knew no bound.

And in the blink of an eye she was married to Uzair Ali Shah to save Zulfiqar's political image.

News of their nikah spread like fire in the forest.

After the nikah the crowd was dispersed including the reporters.

"Do not come in front of me ever again." Zulfiqar said this to Uzair before storming out.

Now he couldn't take her to haweli so he brought her to the city where he used to live most of the time due to business work.

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" Fakhira begum, he did what he wanted to." Zulfiqar addressed to his wife but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"And I don't want anyone speaking about him or today's incident in this haweli. Am I clear?" He spoke  with authority.

Everyone nodded but  a painful whimper left Hamna's lips.

Zubair held his mother's shaking form and took her inside.

Everyone knew there was no place for rebel in the haweli.

Assalam o Alaiykum and hello everyone

How r u all?

As you guys want one more chapter of unexpected love so I'm working on it ✌️

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