1- Breakfast Will Have To Wait

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"C’mon y/n, you have to get up.”  Tamaki’s eyes peering over the foot of my bed.  “You’ve got school today. I still don’t know why you could possibly want to go to Lobelia, but it’s still my duty as your brother to wake you up!”

  “Get lost.”  I mumbled, tossing a pillow at his face.  “I’ll get up when I’m ready. Besides, don’t you have to get to school early today?”

  He frowned, crawling onto my bed.  “I want to see my wonderful sister before I leave!  C’mon, make me some breakfast for old times sake!” He leaned over my face, pouting silently.

  “Fine.  But get off me before I send you through the roof again.”  I kicked him off the bed and sat up. “What do you want to eat Tama?”  I asked, sighing annoyedly.

  “I want some eggs.. And some bacon..”  He thought hard, looking down. “And toast?”

  “Okay, c’mon, lets go.”  I stood up and threw on my robe.  “And make it snappy, I too have work I need to get done at the club, and I need to go to the main estate before I head in.”  He headed downstairs at my feet, whining like a little dog.

  “Hurry up Y/n-chan!  I wanna eat!!” Tamaki shouted in my ear, and I sent him rolling down the stairs face first.  

  “If you don’t shut up, I won’t drop you off on my way.”  I hollered, heading down the stairs after him at my own leisurely pace.

  “I’m sorry Y/n..”  He whispered, clutching his head.  

  “Just go get dressed.  Breakfast will be done when you get out.”  I sighed as he finally left the room. As I started into the kitchen, one of the maids had started tea in the kettle.

“Good morning miss Y/n, I hope your sleep was well?”  She bowed and handed me a cup. “I hope you and master Tamaki have a good day at school.  Please, don’t be afraid to holler if you need something.”

  “Thank you, I will.”  I smiled and ushered her out.  I sighed, shutting the door behind her.  I could tell today was going to be a long day.  I opened the fridge and pulled out some supermarket bacon, and commoners eggs, Tamaki’s random new favorite breakfast dish.  As the breakfast cooked, I sat down at the counter with my tea. My trip to see grandmama in the main estate had come suddenly last night, but I figured she wanted to talk about my brother.  Right before I was born, my father fell in love with a woman who wasn’t my mother. She had Tamaki a month after me, and ever since then, she has hated the sight of my brother. She's even gone as far as the saying she wants me to take over his position as head of the family, the only legitimate child of Yuzuru Suoh.

  Heavy footsteps sounded outside the door, and it swung open to reveal my dumbass of a brother, followed by a tired looking Shima.  “Forgive me ma’am, but it appears your grandmother would like to speak to you sooner than anticipated. Please, get dressed and head to the car.  I’ll feed Master Tamaki.”

  “Thank you Shima.”  I bowed and hurried out of the room.  Looked like breakfast was going to have to wait.  I ran upstairs and threw on my uniform, then rushed in past Tamaki.  “I’ll come pick you up after school, okay?”

  He nodded and I gave him a kiss on the forehead.  “Good Luck Y/n.”

  I smirked.  “I think I can handle the old woman.”  I muttered, quiet enough for only him to hear.  I headed outside, where the limo door hung open.  Inside sat my father and my grandmother. “Father, Grandmama.  It’s so good to see you this morning.”

  My father invited me to take a seat next to him and the door shut behind me.  “Y/n, I’m sure you’re aware of why we asked you to see us today?” He asked as the car rumbled down the driveway.

  “Yes father.”  I whispered, folding my hands in my lap.  “What happened this time?”

  “As you know the new honors student recently became part of Tamaki’s little club.  Haruhi Fujioka.” My grandmother stated. “We understand that Tamaki has taken quite a liking to her, to the point of acting as if he owns her.  We want to know more about this girl, and what she is doing in something as dimwitted as joining that club of shameless men.”

  “I don’t understand grandmama.  Tamaki is doing nothing different than myself or the girls in the Zuka Club.”  I stated, frowning at her.

  “Y/n, we’ve been over this before.  You don’t flaunt your body around like some priceless artifact.  That's all the filthy boy is good at.”

  “Grandmama, please don’t talk about him like that.  You know I don’t like it.” I sighed. “I will do what you ask, only because this girl intrigues me as well.  I hear she is of commoner status? Some of the club members were talking about her the other day.”

  “Yes.  She is extremely intelligent though, she achieved the highest marks on the entrance exam.  99.5, as I’m sure you’ve heard?” My father stated, looking out the window. “Well, it looks like we’re here.  I appreciate this, y/n my love.” He leaned over and kissed my cheek before opening the door for me. “I know you won’t let me down.”

   “Yes father.”

  “Good girl.”

✔Sister Lobelia |OHSHC| Kyoya OotoriWhere stories live. Discover now