2- Miss Vice President!

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“Y/n, you should have been here an hour ago!”  Benio hollered when I stepped inside the club. “As my succeeding president, you should always be on time my dear!”  

  I frowned.  “Where are Chizuru and Hinako?”  The two girls were absent from their usual spots in the room.

  “I had then take care of some business for me.  Now, how’s my fair maiden feeling this fine morning?”  She smiled and took a seat across from me.  

  I craned my neck, glancing up at the ceiling.  “Tense Benio..” I mumbled. “Tamaki woke me up again this morning.”

  “That fool!”  She jumped from her seat.  “See Y/n, this is why I always say- men are indifferent.  You should really let me show you how to treat a lady.”

  I laughed.  “Benio, you know that’s not happening.  Now get over here and help me with this.”  I pointed to the posters for the Pink carnation day show.  “As I am the manager, you know that I should be putting you to work, not the other way around!”  I smirked coyly.

  She laughed, and settled onto the couch beside me.  “Say, Y/n. Would you possibly be into a rescue mission with me?”  She glanced at the wall, where suddenly Chizuru and Hinako stood, holding a giant portrait of Haruhi Fujioka.

  “Not a cha-”  I paused. This could be a good time to get to know the girl and report back to my father.  “When?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon, Y/n!”  Chizuru said, leaning over my shoulders with her arms wrapped around my shoulders.  “We’ll save that fair maiden from the illy-moraled Host Club!” she squealed, grabbing a poster from the table.

  “Wouldn’t it be better if you guys let me sit on the side lines for this one?  Last time my brother refused to speak to me for a week because he said I sent you to steal his precious daughter from him.”  While it was true I had been intrigued in learning about her last time, it was all Benio’s decision to try and steal her away from the club.  

  “Nope, this time you will participate!  I’m itching to get you out in the field, show you how the real ladies do it.”  Benio cried, gripping my hands in hers. “What type of vice president would you be if you didn’t participate in our club activities once in a while?”

  “I guess you're right.. But if I get attacked for this, you’re gonna own me big time.”  I frowned. “I gotta head to class, you guys finish up the posters and at lunch time we’ll hang them up around town.”

  “Yes Ma’am!”  Benio grinned and the three of them wrapped me in a huge hug.  “Have fun in class lovely Y/n!” The three shouted after me as I stepped out of the room.

  I sighed, taking a deep breath against the door.

  “Um, excuse me.. Miss Y/n..”  A young girl, first year student Timi Hanabuso stood in front of me.  

  “Hello Timi, what brings you here today?”  I asked, inviting the girl to walk with me.  

  “I wanted to give you this gift, to show you my l..love for you.”  She smiled up at me and held out a small box of handcrafted candies.

  “Why thank you!  I appreciate this gift very much.  But timi, I’m sure you are aware-”

  She cut me off with a cry.  “Yes, I know.. I’m just fascinated with you Y/n!  Would you ever change your mind?”

  I shook my head.  “I’m sorry Timi, you and I both know that won’t happen.  But I still appreciate your thoughtfulness. You are such a wonderfully sweet girl.  I hope that one day you find someone who appreciates you just as much.” I swooped in to kiss her cheek quickly before bowing.  “Please excuse me angel, but I must get to class.”

  “Oh, Okay!”  Timi bows and excused herself by running the opposite way.  “Bye Miss y/n!” She shouted behind her.

  “Goodbye Timi.”  I mumbled, tossing the gift into the garbage.  The one thing I appreciated about Lobelia when first applying to a school was what seemed to be their sense of sisterly security.  Boy was I wrong. And even though I didnt mind the attention, I didn’t enjoy being courted like a precious treasure. But the club was where I learned more about myself, and how to appreciate the girls for who they were, even if I couldn’t reciprocate their love to them.  Besides that, I was now exactly one minute late to class. I sighed, heading off for what was bound to be another argument with the teacher for my tardiness.

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