13- An Arrangement.

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  "Miss Suoh-"  I cut the maid off. 

  "Where's my father?"  I asked, turning to her.  "Please direct me to him, we have urgent business to discuss."

  "He's in his office.  Down at the end of the hall."  She said, pointing to a dark oak door.

  I headed down the hall, all of my prior sadness and anger pushed down, my old emotionless state returning to the surface.


  "Get in here."  He spoke, his voice a sharp edged knife. 

  "Hello sir, grandmother."  I said, standing behind one of the chairs in front of his desk.

  "Y/n, it's come to your grandmother and I's decision that you will take over the company when you graduate.  Your brother will get no part of it."  He stated, staring me down.  "As your first duty, you are to move back into the first estate alongside your grandmother and I.  We have arranged for a marriage between you and a business partner of mine.  As of your eighteenth birthday, you will marry a Mr. Yoto of Yoto lawyer firm.  He will ensure that there will be no way for your brother to take the company from our grasp.  Do you understand?"

  I looked down, thinking.  I wasn't just going to let them step all over Tamaki, was I?  But even if I said no, there was no saying whether or not he would even get the company in my place, or what would happen to the family name if I didn't.

  "Do you understand y/n?"  My father repeated, slamming his fist on his desk.

  "Yes."  I squeaked out, my nails cutting semi-circles in my hands.  I breathed in deeply, regaining composure.  "Yes sir.  I understand.  I will make arrangements to get my things moved over at once.  Do you plan on telling Tamaki, or is that up to me as well?"  I asked, the corporate edge to my voice I hadn't heard in forever biting back.

  "You will tell him after school tomorrow.  Go to his club.  Tell him."

  "Yes father."

  "You are dismissed."


  “Y/n, you’ve been down today.  Is something wrong?” Benio asked, kneeling down in front of me.  “Did those host club boys do something to you?”

  I looked up at her, half hoping she would disappear if I looked up.  “No.” I said, staring past her head towards the window. “I’m fine.”

  “No you aren’t.  I may be clueless when it comes to some things, but I can tell when you’re down.”  She said, taking my chin between her fingers. “What's wrong?”

  “I-”  I stopped for a moment, trying to hold back tears.  “I’m getting married. All so my grandmother can get revenge on my brother..”  There they were. Tears fell down my face as I spoke. “For just living. She wants me to take over the company, and marry a man I don’t even know, just so that Tamaki can’t get the company from underneath them.”

  We sat in silence for a while, as I sobbed uncontrollably.  

  “Y/n.”  Benio finally broke the silence.  “Fight back against them. You’ve got more power and strength than they do, not to mention two groups of people who will back you up unconditionally.”

  “It’s just not as easy as that.”  I said, breathing in deeply, my breath catching as I controlled my tears.  “I have to go tell Tamaki after he gets done with his club. He’s going to hate me.”

  “Stop talking like that.”  Benio said, her voice sharp.  “He won’t hate you. Make it clear your intentions are good, he knows you love him very much.”  She smiled. “If there’s one thing I know, it’s that that club knows a good person when they see one.  Trust me, they’ll help you through it.”

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