18- The Host Club Declares Dissolution

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  The day before the Ouran fair came up pretty quickly, much to the dismay of The Zuka Club.  We had yet to decide on a booth to host, and the reservations had to be in at midnight.

  "How about we just advertise the club?"  I asked, crossing my legs on the couch.  "It's pretty simple, and the fair is really just for showing off anyways."

  "We need something with a bit more Pizzazz!"  Benio sighed, flopping down dramatically on the couch.  "What's the Host Club doing?"

  "Tamaki practically blew the budget on a genuine horse and carriage from France.  They're doing some sort of renaissance exhibition."  I stated, rolling my eyes.  "Honestly they could have worn paper bags and the girls would still fall head over heels in love with them."

  "What if we did some sort of renaissance themed Exhibition too?"  Chizuru asked, looking up from her book.  "At the end of the night we could do some sort of club get together for all the girls."

  "I like that idea, but I'm not sure how Tamaki would feel about that."  I said, pulling out my phone.

  "Why don't you ask your little boyfriend there?  He seems to enjoy going behind his clubs back-"  She said, smirking.  She had found out about the show shenanigans a couple of days ago, after receiving a drunk call from me.

  "I'll ask."  I glared, earning a laugh from her.  I stood up and headed out into the hall.

  The phone rang for a moment before his smooth voice came through the speaker.  "Hey Y/n, what's up?  Is something wrong?"

  "No, I just had a question for you.  How would you feel about a little club jointment for the night of the fair?  Benio wants us to dress up, but she wants to do something with you guys."

  "I think your friend is getting a little friendly with our hosts, don't you think?  But I must admit, I'd love to see you in some ridiculous getup for a night.  I bet you could make it look beautiful."

  I blushed and hid my face in my arms.  "Listen-"  I started, trying to think of a comeback.

  "I think it's a good idea.  You don't want me to mention it to Tamaki though, is that the reason you asked me first?"

  "I knew you couldn't say no to me!"  I said softly.  "Plus, I'd love to see how they did it back then, so of course I'd have ask you first."  I hummed, listening for his answer.

  "Well then, I look forward to seeing you in those garments tomorrow night."  He whispered huskily in reply.

  "Until tomorrow."  I smiled, hanging up.  I threw open the door and the three girls looked in my direction.  "We're on for tomorrow night."


  I looked out the window of the limo as we pulled up to the school.  I could see Tamaki from where we sat, as he harassed a poor Haruhi into wearing a dress that was hanging from his arm.  I sighed and stepped out, holding my own dress over my arm.

  "Tamaki!"  I hollered, waving to get his attention.  He waved in return and called the host club to attention.

  "Huh!?  What are you four doing here?!"  He cried, practically flinging himself away from the carriage.

  "Y/n!"  Hani shouted, running to me.

  "Hey guys!"  I smiled at the club.  "It appears as though our clubs are doing a little team building today!" 

  "And who planned this?!"

  I glanced at Kyoya who returned my look with a smirk.  "Your two favorite people, now come on, we need to get changed into our first outfit for the day."

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