9- And so She Met Him

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I was sitting on my bed, going over club expenses when a knock sounded on my door.  I took off my glasses and set them to the side along with the paperwork. “Come in.”  I mumbled, shifting into a sitting position so that I faced the door.

  “Were you busy?”  Tamaki asked as he crossed the room to my bed.  He sat down beside me and laid his head on my shoulder.

  “No, it’s alright.  Whats up?” I asked, laying my head on his.

  “I wanted to thank you for tonight,” he said, yawning.  “I never thought you had an interest in my club, so I never brought them around.”

  “That’s alright,”  I said, wrapping my arms around his warm body.  “Your friends seem nice. I’m glad that you have them.  And if they’re your friends, then I’m alright with them being here.  Besides, what kind of sister would I be if I didn’t let my kid brother live his life?”

  “They really seemed to like you.  I’ve never seen them take a genuine interest in anyone before.  It made me happy.” He whispered. “And Kyoya? That was the first time in a while that he’s really come out of his shell to be himself.”

  “Well you know how we grew up,”  I mumbled. “I’m surprised that I’m the way that I am today.  Y’know who I have to thank for that?”

  “Hmm?”  He mumbled, sleepily falling into my lap.

  “You Tamaki.  You opened my eyes to the world.  And I thank you for that.” I glanced down to see him fast asleep.  “Goodnight you idiot, I love you.” I got out from under his head and laid him down on a pillow beside me.  I pulled the blankets over us and flicked the lamp off, plunging the room into darkness.

“Y/n, I’d like to introduce you to Tamaki Suoh.  He is my son.” My father spoke, his hand on the shoulder of a blond french boy.  “I want you to take him to his room.”

  “Yes father.”  I turned on my heel, and headed out of the room.  I could hear his small footsteps behind me as we headed up the stairs.

  “Hey, what's your name?”  He asked, racing in front of me.

  “I beg your pardon?”  I spat, harshly.

“You're my sister, right?  What's your name?” He asked again, smiling at me with a glistening grin.

“Y/n.”  I stated simply, pressing on in front of him.

  “So y/n, is Japan as fun as it seems?”  He asked, not sensing my disinclination.

  I remained silent, ignoring him.  “Your room.” I pointed, throwing the door open.

  “Thank you onee-chan!”  He smiled, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

  “What are you doing?”  I asked, stumbling backwards.

  “Giving you a hug.”  He stated, as if it were obvious.

  “A hug?”  I asked, pushing my glasses up after he stepped away.  “What is a hug?”

  “Well- it’s how you show affection for someone..”  He frowned. “Have you ever had a hug?”  

  I stood silently, staring him in the face as if he were crazy.  

  I saw tears well up in his eyes as he took it in.  “Onee-chan, i’m so sorry!” He leaped forward, gripping me into another hug.

  “I’ll see you in the morning.”  I mumbled, taking a step away from him and making my way towards my room.

✔Sister Lobelia |OHSHC| Kyoya Ootoriحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن