11- The Club Learns her Secret.

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  It had been a couple of hours, and it had started getting darker out.  The beach was quiet, minus the splashing of the waves as they slammed against the rocks.  I sat on a bench, watching the birds as they swooped and dived on the water. The smell of a bonfire the twins had set up filled the air as they toasted marshmallows on the open flame.

  “Hey, are you going to join us?”  A voice asked and I nodded.

  “In my own time,”  I smiled. “Just taking in the sights for a bit.”

  “May I join you?”  Kyoya asked, standing behind me.  I shifted over for him to sit. “When was the last time you went to the beach?”  He asked, crossing his hands in his lap.

  “I’m not sure..”  I yawned, putting my chin in my hand.  “It’s been at least a year.”

  “Did you enjoy yourself today?”  He questioned, turning to face me.

  “Yeah, I did.  I appreciate you guys letting me go with you.”  I smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder with a yawn.  “It’s been a while since I hung out with anyone, and I missed it to be honest.”

  “You're always welcome.”  He said, wrapping an arm around my head, tucking my face in the crook of his neck.  “Are you tired?”

  “A little bit..”  I mumbled, closing my eyes.

  “Go to sleep.”  He whispered in my ear, pulling my body to his.  “I’ll take you to bed.” I nodded and felt myself being lifted from the bench before I drifted off.

  “Hey Tamaki,”  I spoke quietly, motioning to the sleeping girl in my arms.  “Which room did you put her in?”

  “She’s upstairs.  You can just put her in my bed if you want, then come relax with us.”  he stated, pulling a marshmallow off a stick.

  I nodded and made my way up to the house.  She shifted around a bit, tucking herself into my body some more.  I chuckled as I nudged the door open with my hip. I wasn’t sure which room exactly was Tamaki’s so I headed down the hall to my own room.  Silently I pushed the door open, hoisting her up as I walked in.

  She mumbled a bit as I set her down on the bed, pulling the covers over her sleeping frame.  I sat down beside her, tucking some hair behind her ear. I sat in silence as she slept, just watching her a bit before standing up again.  I knelt down and placed a kiss on her forehead and made my way back outside.

  “She’s asleep in my room.”  I stated, sitting down in a lawn chair beside Tamaki.

  He nodded.  “She tired herself out today.  I’ve been waiting for the day that she’s actively enjoyed something.”

  “What do you mean Tamaki-senpai?”  Haruhi asked, glancing above the flames.

  “My sister has always had an extremely closed off personality.  She was raised with the idea that she would be taking over the family business.  For her, life was all Business, Business, Business. She never had time for fun.”

  “That’s true.”  I spoke up, leaning in towards the fire.  “When we met, it was to be for the good of both of our companies.  We went into our Business relationship with that as our only motivator.”  

  “So she was like you Kyo-chan?”  Hani asked.

  “Yeah.  We both bore the weight of our fathers’ empires on our shoulders.  Even as little kids.” I sighed. “I remember the first day we met.  We were like robots, obeying our parents every wish. Little stone statues, our business expressions etched into our faces.  Sometimes you can still see it in her face.”

  “When I first moved into the second estate, she had been living there all by herself like an adult.  At 13 years old.” Tamaki mentioned. “My father introduced her to me, and I’d never been more scared to look someone in the eyes.  No matter what I did, her face wouldn’t budge. Eventually I broke my way into her wall she had built around her, and that's when she began smiling.  It was only a few smiles, but they weren’t fake like her other ones. Now she’s the loving sister you see before you!” He smiled.


  “Kyoya, I’ve arranged for you to meet the heiress of the Suoh family business.  If all goes well, we will have a business contract made up between our two families.”  Mr. Ootori stated.

“Y/n, Mr. Ootori and I have arranged for you and his son to meet.  We are in hopes of signing a business contract that will benefit both families greatly in the future.  When you meet him, I want you to get to know him, make him trust you.”

“Yes sir.”  The little raven haired boy spoke, nodding to his father.  “I won’t let you down.”

“Yes sir.”  The girl spoke, her eyes cast at her father.  “I won’t let you down.”

  “Letting me down won’t be the only thing you do Kyoya.  If this deal doesn’t go through, we’ll lose a major investment in the family.”  His father stated, his eyes cold and hard as he stared at his son. “Please, return to your studies at once.”

“If you do, I know you are aware there will be consequences for your actions.”  Mr. Suoh said, ignoring his daughter in favour of the paperwork on his desk. “You are free to leave now.”

Kyoya let out a yawn as the group entered the house.  He made his way down the hall to his room, where y/n slept.  Careful to not wake her up, he changed into his Pajamas and slid into the bed beside her.  He sighed happily, pulling her close as she slept, breathing her scent in deeply as he held her.


  I opened my eyes to hazy rays of sun shining through the window.  My eyes drifted towards the chair by the door, where a yellow sundress was laid out.  "Tamaki must have taken it out while I was sleeping."  I mutter to myself, getting ready to hoist myself out of bed.

  It was only then that I realized I was locked in Kyoya's arms.  I sighed, flipping over to face him.  "Kyo-chan?  I need to get up."  I whispered, stroking his hair.  "Can you please let go?"

  A soft grunt came in response. 

  "Well.."  I thought, laying my head beside his.  "I suppose I can stay for a few more minutes."

  I saw a smile playing at his lips.  "Good."  He muttered, shoving his face into my neck.

  I chuckled, breathing in deeply.  "Kinda reminds me of when we were kids huh?"  I asked, taking his cheek in my hand.

  He murmurs in response, hugging me tighter.  I smile and melt into his arms happily, missing the sound of my phone ring.

  Less than five minutes later, a knock sounds at the door.  My eyes flutter open again, groaning at the sound.  "Tamaki, I swear to god."  I mutter, forcing myself out of Kyoya's waking arms.  He moans in displeasure, but sits up beside me.  I crawl out of bed and open the door.  "What?"

  "The twins want to go shopping.  Hurry up and get ready."  Tamaki said, nudging my shoulder with a smirk.  "You too Kyoya!"  He shouts back as he walks away.

  I sigh and shut the door.  "Do you have a bathroom in here?"  I ask, and he nods, pointing towards a small door in the back of the room.  I grab the dress off the chair angrily and stomp towards the bathroom.

  "I swear I would murder him if I could get away with it."  I shout through the door, and I hear Kyoya agree with me. 

  I check my hair in the mirror before throwing the door open.  Kyoya was in the middle of buttoning his shirt, but he was so out of it.  "Jesus, they're all crooked.  Here, let me help."  I smiled, removing his hands from the shirt.  One by one I fixed the buttons, stopping at the one right below his collarbone.  "There.  All better!"

  He chuckled and handed me my shoes.  "Here."

  "Thanks,"  I said, slipping them on.  "Now, lets go face the day?!"  I smiled, linking my arm with his.

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