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"Stop right there."

Me and Jaechan froze in one place as helicopters hovered above us with blinding lights shining down at us to find our exact location.

"We're done for," I thought, heart beating so fast I felt like I was about to pass out.

"KIDS," we heard someone scream in a whisper type of way, making us turn our heads to see that same man that helped us out before, the one that I thought Jaechan was related to.

"Old man!" We exclaimed, finally grasping a bit of hope. The helicopters were slowly landing, so we quickly ran to him to hide.

"Enough is enough Jaechan. I was fine when you were using Byeol to escape, but you're about to get her life taken away all because of your selfishness," the man glared.

"What's he talking about? Using me? To escape?" I paused and stared into his eyes that wouldn't look directly into mine, almost in shame. Just as we were distracted the soldiers had finally reached us. I was beaten up badly while Jaechan was dragged away by that man, looking extremely guilty. One swing to the head by a metal bat and I passed out.

Jaechan POV

I'm a horrible person and I deserve to pay for my sins. Even at that young age I had a wicked mind, and a wicked plan. There wasn't a person who hadn't heard about Byeol's parents escaping, I looked at her weak self back then and thought, bingo.

She's my ticket out.

Who would've thought that growing up she would get so strong, and so pretty. I've fallen for someone I used like an object, with someone I only played nice with to get on her good side. I know I know, how stupid of me, she didn't even know the way out, her parents did.

But something in her, pulled me towards her the day we first met. I had a sudden urge to talk to her, a feeling my young self had never felt before. I had planned to tell her about the whole stupid reason I had actually gotten to know her, but I didn't, how could I?

What if she called me selfish? What if she thought I was disgusting? What if she, left me?

I was an abandoned child, a mistake, was what they called me. You'd think I would be used to being left alone, and I was, until I met Byeol. She made me realise how nice it felt to have someone by my side.

Now she was being beaten up, and I couldn't do anything about it. I was being held in a factory filled with soldiers, when the president, a man who I will never consider my father, walked in. While everyone else bowed 90 degrees down, some even lower, I kept my head straight up. The man behind me pointed his gun at my head, making me lower my head in the presence of the 'mighty' leader.

More like a dog who couldn't stay loyal to one woman.

More like a dog who couldn't stay loyal to one woman

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