I'm busy....

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As the author of this lovely book.
I'll like to inform y'all tagging my book mpreg reading list to please take it down from there cos it ain't a mpreg book no disrespect intended.Ryan didn't give birth to Adam and Ann.they were adopted at age four from. The orphanage home legally.Jade asked him"do you want to trigger them?it shows that Adam and Ann was abandoned in a mall.please stop tagging this book as MPREG cos ITS NOT.
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"You can't just leave the house and travel out of the country without telling me Or the kids..your family Jade"I said.

I was on the phone with my husband.

"It was urgent"he replied.

"So urgent that you couldn't even tell me..the one you spent the night with"I pointed at the television,signalling my  nine years old daughter to switch off the television.

"I'm sorry okay?I gotta go..the meeting is starting"with that ,he signed off.I glared at the phone..

"You know..the phone is innocent,the guilty one is dad"Ann,my daughter shrugged.

"Was that dad?I wanted to talk to him"Ann's twin   brother,Adam came downstairs.

"You can call him when you come back from school..you have only five minutes"I said.

"I can speak with him while eating"he stared at me.

"He's in a meeting Ad..you'll talk to him"I said.

"I wanted to tell him about my showcase ..I want him to be there for a change.not you..and I put him as my guardian there.you won't be allowed in if it's not him"he explained.

"He'll be there.I'll talk to him or if you come back from your violin lesson early you'll be as to speak with him.just make it by 5 "I smiled.

"Common people..Adam your showcase is a week away..papa will make it on time..you don't have to talk to dad like he's at fault here"Ann who has always been my saviour when talking to Adam jumped in.

"I'm out of here"he picked up a toasted bread and jogged out of the house.

I looked at Ann

"Don't look at me.I don't know what goes into that red brain of his..I'm happy and contented that you're always here for me..we can always run away together if things get tough"Ann whispered to me.

I looked at her in horror.

"Bye dad.miss you"she ran out of the house.

I and jade have been  together for seven years..we dated all through college and got married a year after graduating.Jade owned an entertainment industry while I worked as a nurse.when we adopted the twins,they were four years old and I've been married to jade for two years then.he made me give up my job since the kids had problem adjusting to us.

I became a stay at home dad but ran a blog online from home.

We were such a happy family since Ann got along with me pretty well..she gets along with everybody actually.Adam stuck with Jade .we've been together three years as a family.

"Look who's here"Cece my best friend ran into the house.

"Cece"I hugged her happily.
She lived at Australia but always came to Newyork whenever work demanded it.

"You should have come to Australia with Jade..they're shooting a movie there..just a street away from my house"she smiled sitting down.

"What do you mean?"I stared at her in surprise running  to the phone and dialled Jade's room number,he picked up at the eighth ring.

"Hi dear"he called.

"Where are you?jade don't tell me you're in Australia"I demanded.

"Calm down ..listen"he began.

"Adam is having a showcase at school next week"I interrupted.

"I can't make it ...listen I need to round up shooting here"he said.

"Jade the company is yours..I don't know why you'll go to Australia for that shoot..your son is having a showcase ..you need to be here"i shouted.

"I'm busy"he said and cut the call.

I looked at the door as it opened.

Adam ran in.

"I made it 4:56"he smiled.the smile fell off his face as he noticed my expression

"Adam ..listen  "I began.

"No..you always do that..keeping him away from us..every time.all you had to do was wait till five but you couldn't..you just..just"he shouted.

"Young man don't talk to your father in that manner"cece interrupted.

"It's none of your buisness..dad..if papa doesn't come for my showcase..I won't forgive you"he shouted and ran upstairs.I watched him bang the door then fell on the floor.

"Hey..hey..calm your nerves"cece held me as I slipped to the floor shaking from anger.

"What do I do?"I looked at cece.

"He's just passing through adolescence..he'll realize it was never your fault..I promise"cece hugged me.

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