I hate you

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I walked into my mother in laws house.the woman who had been a friend to me.

We were close since my parents went back to Europe..their own country.

"You got here early..Adam and Ann couldn't stop talking about it..they almost missed school..where's my son?"She asked.

"Oh..he had to take care of buisness"I forced out a smile.

"Sit down and tell me"she smiled.

"Its really nothing..um..I need to go home..I really need to"i walked out.i was hopeful,Adam and Anna wouldnt go to school.

I looked up as soon as Adam and Anna busted into the house.

"My best man in the world"Anna hugged me tightly.

"The prettiest girl in the hood"I replied.

"Welcome home dad"Adam hugged me.

"Where is your husband?"Anna stood akimbo.

"Um..I..I.."I stammered.

"What did you get us?upstairs"Anna raced upstairs

Yes they were my brightness.

My source of happiness.

My gifts from God.

'Dad..what is this?a divorce petition"Anna came downstairs.
Damn..I had forgotten the file on my bed.cece had quickly filed a divorce at my request.

she promised me the fastest divorce ever recorded which could take two weeks at most if Jade doesn't fight custody over the kids.

"Are you really divorcing papa?"Adam asked

"Listen..listen"I began.

"I hate you..I really hate you for destroying my family"Adam shouted and ran out.

"Its not my fault..your papa ..he..um..he has another family..I didn't know.I saw him with his mistress at the hotel I wanted us to have a romantic date"I smiled sadly.

"Its okay..dad.I understand"she hugged me.

The door busted open,Jade entered the house.

"What are you doing?you can't come in here"I stood up.

"Its still my house.my family lives here"he said sitting down.

Anna dropped the divorce file on his laps.

"A divorce..a divorce..seriously?come off it honey.you can't do a thingy without me..The kids won't love seperation"Jade held my hands.

"Please..if you need to talk to me about anything..say it through my lawyers"I crossed my arms.

"Listen to me carefully..Jasmine ain't complaining..all I need to do is share a little attention with her..she's satisfied..you can't even drive..mow the grass..yeah you're a man but all you do is a woman's job."he looked at me.

Should we be like this in front of Ann?..I looked at him with anger.I looked at him with the hatred that made him move backwards.

"I'm going to sleep.Ann.where is Adam..it's 7:30pm"I asked.

"He's at his tutor's place across our house"Ann replied.

"Call him to come back now"I ordered.

I watched jade looking at me,I removed my eyes quickly.

"See?you can't even meet my gaze..stop being proud and accept me back"he laughed.

"Papa..do you think this is a joke?dad is breaking up with you..you need to go"Ann stood up.

The door opened.

"You're breaking up?"Adam came in.

"ADAM...I really don't want to leave your dad but he's sending me away..I really love him so much..I.can't do anything without him..I love my husband"Jade began crying.
I looked at him amazed.

Was Jade trying to guilt trap me?

Am I going to be in a marriage because I don't want to break my son's heart?

I shook my head.

"Dad?"Adam called.

"I'm sorry..it's What I have to do"I replied.

"No..we can still be together as a family..like we've all dreamt of"Jade said

"Dad..please change your mind"Adam pleaded crying.
My heart broke.All I wanted in life was only to have my son smiling.

"No..I can't do it"I said and turned around.

"I hate you..I hate you for this"Adam shouted and ran upstairs to his room

I wondered why I wasn't crying .I should be crying but I couldn't.

Was I really being mean and wicked that I can't even shed tears?.

"Kyle..listen kyle..we can do this..all you have to do is push your doubt and envy down at the back of my head and take me back into  your life"Jade smiled.

"I can't believe this is the man I thought was my father"Ann shouted.

"Get out..get out from my house before I add another case like verbal abuse ..get out"I screamed.

He walked out.

"Dad. Are we gonna be okay?"Ann asked.

"Yes..yes..I believe so"I nodded.
Hoping..really hoping I was right.
Hoping I would make a great father for my kids.

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