Chapter Twenty-One

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The next day after the wedding, Jeremy's heart was filled with joy. He soon headed into the kitchen at their house near Dana's base, to find Albi sat there merrily eating away at his cereal, before he looked up to see Jeremy there and smiled. The kitchen was peaceful and quiet, as his sister had not yet entered it to raid the fridge. Albi appreciated the peace. He also appreciated his newly upgraded arm prosthetic, thanks to Jeremy. It now functioned even more efficiently than his real hand, he was convinced.

The lemon walls of the kitchen and the sweet scent of cinnamon toast always filled Albi with content, though. He was even happier knowing that his mother was, too. Of course, Albi also wished that his sister would try to get along with Jeremy, but she could only hope that would come with time.

"Morning Jeremy," Albi said to him.

"Good morning Albi," Jeremy replied.

"How did tracking the space craft go last night?" he asked him, then, knowing that his stepfather had been looking into it some more.

"Mostly well. It is getting close, though," he stated.

"Yeah. I figured," Albi said as he gazed down at the bowl in front of him, silently hoping that it might just fill up with more food again.

"I don't think we have too much to worry about. At least, judging by the beings we have met before, they tend to be good, right? They use their powers for good?" Albi said with positivity.

However, Jeremy's expression seemed to give away that fact that he knew something Albi was presently unaware of.

In a room down the hall, Thea's room, that is, she slowly got up and then groaned. It had been one of those nights where she had slept the recommended ten hours, by her mother's standards, anyway, and yet she still felt sleepy.

She sat up and stretched and then heard her stepfather's voice in the kitchen and sighed.

She didn't know if she would ever actually like him, but she had to be strong for her mother.

Lani soon looked into her room and smiled.

"Good morning, Thea," she said.

"Morning, mother," Thea replied, making a smile appear on her face.

Whenever Thea looked at her mother she could only remember her most positive childhood memories, like her being there for her when she had lost her favourite toy, or when she had become panicked at a news headline stating that there were incoming meteorites. Her mother, the science expert, had always calmed her down. She couldn't help but feel that the smile was becoming just the slightest bit more genuine.

Nonetheless, Thea knew in her heart that her childhood also was comprised of happy memories with her real father, and she just simply couldn't let those go. Hence the slight feeling of betrayal she felt whenever she looked Jeremy's way.

For the most part, though, Thea just wanted to have fun in her life. She was free-spirited and as much as she would have liked to stubbornly live out the remainder of her days away from Jeremy, she knew she couldn't do that. Besides, her stomach was beginning to grumble, so she headed down the hall and began to make herself some toaster waffles.

"Good morning, Thea," Jeremy said to her, still in his determined state of mind to get his new stepdaughter to talk to him.

"Morning," Thea said simply. It was the most pleasant reply she could think of other than get the hell out of this house and I really don't see how my mother could move on after she was married to my father, but it seems we both have to respect her decision.
She hadn't meant to, but she sighed, then.

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