Chapter Twenty-Five

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The evening was growing darker, and the storm had settled significantly by the time Colt had found Nova gazing out of a window down the hall, at the space craft light in the sky, now shining against the stars, but evidently not a star.

"There it is," Nova said.

"I really hope the government don't see that," Colt said.

Nova turned to him then and sighed.

"If we are being realistic though there's a good chance they will. We have managed to avoid them finding out for  a long time...deleting footage, making it seem as though the videos of aliens were fakes and now..." she trailed off.

"They know," Colt said, finishing her utterance.

"Exactly," Nova replied, "Aurora still has yet to master the rest of her abilities," she pointed out.

"I know," Colt said.

"I just...fear they're going go take her away."

Colt looked towards her then with a sympathetic expression.

"Who? The aliens or the government?" he asked her.

Nova slumped down, so Colt sat down next to her and tried to smile to lighten the mood. It was difficult, but he got Nova to smile back which he supposed was something.


Colt nodded then in understanding.

"I won't let them hurt any of you."

Nova turned to him then and her expression became more serious.

"That may not be your choice."

Nova took some time to herself, then, as Colt wandered down the hall to find Aurora in her room.

"Hey," he said to her.

"Don't judge me," Aurora said then, s Colt looked around at the mess now on her bedroom floor- books and various other things from her dresser.
"I was practicing my abilities," she said.

"You're supposed to be resting."

"You're supposed to not be judging me," Aurora retorted, as she tucked some hair behind her ear in the way she always did when she was either nervous or frustrated.

"Alright. My apologies, sweetheart."

Aurora turned to him then and sighed, she closed her eyes and used her gravity manipulation to speedily move everything back into place.

"What have you been up to today?" She asked him.

"Not much."

She just gave him a look, then.

"I don't have to tell you everything." Colt said.

"Now isn't exactly the time to be keeping secrets, is it?" Aurora asked him.

Colt just sighed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked her.

Aurora exhaled. She knew this was going to cause conflict but she also knew that trying to fight back on her impulsivity often led it to becoming worse.

That fact was exactly why she rambled, "I don't know. Maybe because somebody exposed our society."

Colt's eyes darkened then.

"What? You think it was me?" he asked her.

"No. Colt. No I don't," she said.

Colt just sighed.

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