Chapter Thirty-Two

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When Mars was angry, he would usually go and speak to Dana. Since they had broken up, that was not the easiest of tasks. He didn't feel the most welcome around her lately, any way, given that she had a load of other Galavers and Tuldroxi buzzing around her. So, he went for plan B- to get as far away from the situation as he could possibly manage to do. It seemed like a good idea at first until Leo followed him because he did exactly the same thing when he was irritated. 

"I will do whatever I can to prove to you all that I am not the one who is responsible for Albi's death," he stated with determination. 

"Mars...we don't know anything for sure just yet," Leo replied. 

"And you won't...not while my enemy is in there trying to hide the truth from you all!" he exclaimed. 

"What?" Leo asked, "You think Vela is the one who did this?" 

Leo looked around for a moment, then, just to ensure that there was nobody listening in on either one of them. 

"Think on it for a moment...why does she want to convince all of you so much that I'm the one who did this?" Mars asked. 

Colt wandered towards the both of them then. 

"Have to admit, he does have a point," he said, as he stepped over a rock and came to stand beside the two of them. 

"Why do you suddenly believe him?" Leo asked. 

"He's not a Tuldroxi, for one thing, and the injury mark signaled that was who killed him," Colt stated. 

"So you're suddenly implying that my people are villainous?" Leo asked. 

Colt just shook his head. 

"I don't want to fight with you right now, Leo," he said. 

"Yeah, me neither," Leo replied simply. 

The sky was beginning to grow darker, given that they were now reaching October, and the days were shortening. Leo felt a cold wind brush past the two of them as he narrowed his eyes at Colt. 

"I'm on Mars' side," Colt said. 

Mars turned to him then with a thankful gaze. 

"Thank you," Mars replied. 

"Yeah, just...if it ends up you had any part in this I will not hesitate to send you right back up into space on a broken space craft. Got that, Galaver?" he asked him. 

Mars' features pulled into a serious expression. 

"Of course," he stated calmly. 

Leo headed back inside the base as Thea began to walk towards Colt and Mars. Colt could see the car a distance away. She had probably driven it there to see Dana, Colt believed. 

"How on earth could you just stand there and allow yourself to be swept up in the belief that everyone around you is innocent?" she said with anger as she turned to Colt. 

"We don't actually have any clues as to who did it yet-" Mars tried to say. 

"Shut it. I wasn't talking to you. How can you stand there and say you cared for my brother and then join forces with someone who could have potentially killed him?" Thea asked. Her heart ached, but she was trying to be strong for Albi. 

Mars tried to remain calm, despite the fact he was growing very tired of the blame being pointed towards him. Some part of his mind found some comfort in the fact that Dana probably didn't believe that he had done this. He just wouldn't know her stance on it without speaking to her. Mars had originally thought being taken back to the sanctuary might present an opportunity for him to make reparations with both Peia and Dana, but the thought of that was becoming more difficult to believe. 

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