Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The next morning, Dana sat in her office and had to come to terms with a very real fear of hers. She feared having a lack of control and power. While she was in charge at the sanctuary and decided what happened for the most part, there was a very real chance that this would be overthrown when the government found them. Dana had tried her best to prevent such an occurrence, but she felt it inevitable, now. Fortunately, she hadn't been alone to deal with this fear. Peia had joined her and was currently discussing a rock from a meteorite that she had found in the forest a few days prior.

"Are you sure it came from a meteorite?" Dana asked her.

"What kind of question is that?" Peia asked her.

Dana couldn't help but for the corner of her mouth to twitch up slightly in her amusement.

"Well, it could always be a regular rock," Dana remarked.

Peia looked down at the rock she was holding and had to admit it didn't look all that out of the ordinary.

"Hmph," she said.

She dismissed the thought, though, as she looked up to Dana and met her gaze with a pleasant expression.

"Is everything alright with you, Dana?" she asked her.

"I am just growing concerned for the future of this sanctuary," she stated honestly.

Peia gave her a look of understanding.

"It will be alright," she said.

Dana really wanted to trust her friend, but she still had that fear in her gut that something bad was on the brink of happening. She had felt a similar way the evening that Lani had sadly been taken from them.

"I think I just need some time alone to think if that is okay with you," Dana told her.

Peia nodded, as she left the office and came to find Leo outside of it.

"Is everything alright with Dana?" Leo asked her, then, noticing the concerned expression on Peia's face.

"I'm sure everything will be," she replied.

"Yeah. We just need to be prepared...I don't want anybody getting hurt again," Leo stated.

"The government have their own ideas for what they're going to want from us if they find us," Peia said then, looking more serious.

Leo had never truly seen Peia so concerned before.

"Hey, listen," he started, so Peia met his gaze again, "We're not going to let them harm us without a good fight. If that ends up being what they want, then so be it," Leo told her.

Peia couldn't help but smile, then. Leo always knew the right words to say. That was why he had become one of the friends she was most fond of.

Soon after that, Leo went to have a discussion with Dana and hoped to bring some peace to her mind. Meanwhile, Peia wandered down the hall until she came to find the door to Aurora's room open. She was simply sat upon the bed with her eyes closed. Peia didn't want to disturb her, but Aurora's eyes soon flickered open to meet hers.

Peia, though she would keep this to herself, had always thought Aurora's eyes were exceptionally breathtaking. They were vibrant and looked as though they could see right through you as though you were glass, or something to that effect.

"Are you alright, Aurora?" Peia asked her, then.

"I'm just thinking about my mother," Aurora said honestly.

There was quiet for a moment before she went on.

"Actually, I was practicing with my ability...the ability to be able to go back to-"

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