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"MY DEAR, DEAR ALICE, we're so glad to see you here after all." Aro greeted her as she and Jasper walked towards him. Two of Aro's people stopped them as they approached.

"I have evidence the child won't be a risk to our kind." Alice told him. She stuck out her hand. "Let me show you."

Aro nods his head and Alice shoves past them. Jasper went to follow, but they restrained him causing his lips to curl into a snarl. Aro grabs hold of Alice's hand, and watches.

Realization flashed across Alice's mind as she ripped her hand from Aro's grasp. "It doesn't matter what I show you. Even when you see, you still won't change your decision." Alice then turns to Bella before whispering, "Now!" Quickly, Renesmee was placed on Jacob's back. Jacob looked at Bella who nodded her head.

"Take care of my daughter." With that, Jacob quickly sprinted away towards the woods.

"Get them!" Caius seethed. Two vampires quickly went after them, but knowing Jacob would be able to take care of them, no one chased him. Alice looked at Aro before spinning and then kicking backwards, hitting Aro's chin and sending him flying in the air. They all watched as he slid on the ground before he grabbed hold of himself.

"Take her away." Aro orders. The guards grab hold of Alice and she tries to pry herself from their grip, but to no avail.

"Let her go!" Carlisle yells before quickly running forward. Echo's eyes were trained on him, watching as he swiftly dodged the vampires that would try to attack him. He jumped into the air, Aro copying his actions before they landed again. Carlisle's body fell to the ground as Aro looked up, his eyes directly on Echo as he smiled, showing them all Carlisle's head. Echo's eyes widened as she placed a hand over her mouth. Esme grabbed hold of her, making sure the girl wouldn't fall to the ground. All of the vampires were in shock.

"No!" Echo cried as they lit his body aflame. Quickly her heartbreak became rage as a snarl fell from her lips and she charged forward. The vampires all copied her actions, and it started. Echo grabs hold of the nearest enemy, ripping their head clean of with one hand and a kick to the gut. She killed as many of them as she could, her rage taking over her. It only worsening when she watches as Alec tackles her sister to the ground.

Echo watched in horror as Jasper fell to his knees in pain, Felix coming up to him and ripping his head off. Alice let out a cry before flipping out of the hold she was in, killing both vampires. If Echo hadn't wanted to kill the blonde now, she definitely did. But right now, her anger was held at the leader. Echo jumped on top of a vampire, her legs wrapped tightly around their throat until she spun, tearing their head clean off.

Echo ignores the howl of one of the wolves, trying to ignore the fact that the youngest of the pack members had just gotten killed. Much to Echo's luck, she happened to be in Jane's path who was currently running from an angry Alice. Echo took the opportunity to quickly spin around and kick her hard in the chest, sending her straight into Alice who caught her and then dragged her across the snow where Sam was waiting with anticipation.

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