Part - 6

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Hooda Castle -

Aditya puts Zoya on the bed, if as she were a delicate doll. He sats beside Zoya. He softly take Zoya's hand in his hand.

Aditya - Zoya please don't leave me, because I need you. Please Zoya open your eyes. Don't do this to me.

Aditya sees Zoya's wounds which was on her forehead, shoulder and hands.

Aditya - Forgive me Zoya, it's all because of me. I promise, nothing will happen to you.

Aditya bent down and he kissed the wounds on Zoya's forehead and further he kissed the wounds on her shoulder and hands. After that wounds disappeared automatically.

Aditya lies down beside Zoya and he slowly closes his eyes. He kept his hand on her belly and hiding his face in Zoya's neck he softly said - Please stay with me.

Next morning -  Zoya wakes up from sleep due to chirping of birds.

Zoya - How did I come here?

Zoya tries to think and at the same time Aditya entered in the room, with glass of orange juice.

Aditya - Good morning Zoya.( He smiles at her)

Zoya - Good morning Aditya.

Aditya sits near Zoya.

Zoya - Aditya can I ask you something?

Aditya - Ya, of course Zoya?

Zoya - What happened last night Aditya and how did I come here? I was in the forest and those wild creatures attacked me. Who saved me and who brought me here?

Aditya - Calm down Zoya, I will tell you everything but first of all Finish this glass of orange juice.

Zoya - But Aditya.

Aditya - Please Zoya, for me drink it.

Zoya - okay.

She drank all juice in one breath.

Zoya - Now Aditya tell me whole thing.

Aditya - okay fine, I saved you last night Zoya,

Zoya - Aditya, you save me and you gave me new life, Thank you so much.

Aditya - Zoya, please don't say thanks to me. I have not save your life but also I have saved my life too.

Zoya - What do you mean by that?

Aditya - Zoya I...I mean that in absence of my dad, you are my responsibility so i have to save your life, that's what I'm trying to say.

Zoya - Aditya you don't know how much you have done me a favor by saving my life.(Tear comes in her eyes)

Aditya gets sad after seeing Zoya's tears.

Aditya - Zoya please don't cry.

Zoya broke down and she start crying loudly. Her tears hurt Aditya. While crying, Zoya hugged Aditya tightly.

Zoya - Thank you, thank you so much Aditya you save me.

Aditya - Relax Zoya, don't cry, everything will be alright. Just Calm down I'm always with you.

Zoya and Aditya parted from each other.

Aditya - Zoya please smile because it suits you.

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