Part - 8

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In Car -

Zoya was still crying silently. She was continuously looked at outside the window.

Aditya looks at Zoya.

Aditya - Zoya... How you feel now?

Zoya - I'm fine now Aditya, and thank you so much for saving me.

Aditya - Zoya please don't say thanks to me.

After few minutes Aditya saw something and he immediately Stop the car.

Zoya - What happened Aditya? Why you stopped the car?

Aditya - just wait here for me, i will be back in 5 minutes.

Zoya - Why? Where are you going?

After few minutes Aditya comes back.

Aditya - Zoya, take this 2 ice creams.

Happiness appeared on Zoya's face.

Zoya - Thank you Aditya.

Aditya - You're welcome.

And then Zoya started eating ice cream like a small kid.

Zoya - Aditya tell me one thing.

Aditya - Ya, okay.

Zoya - How did you know that mango flavour is my favourite? tell me.

Aditya - because I know everything about you.

Zoya - but how?

Aditya - No idea, but I know.

Zoya - That's impossible.

Aditya - it's possible, believe me Zoya.

Zoya - okay fine, you tell me Aditya, what's my favourite colour?

Aditya - oh it's very simple, let me guess - it's white, white is your favourite colour.

Zoya become shocked now.

Zoya - How you know?

Aditya - I know everything, I said you before.

Zoya - okay fine, anyone can guess it easily. If you answer me this, then I will definitely believes you.

Aditya - okay, asked me.

Zoya - tell me what's the desire that I have always wanted. I bet that you will not be able to answer this. 

Aditya looked into Zoya's eyes and said - Zoya you always wanted that you have a small, beautiful family, with whom you can spend your happy moments. And you have another wish that you will find such a life partner who
loves you very much.

Zoya was surprised to hear Aditya. She couldn't believe it. Aditya's one and every word was true.

Zoya (in her mind) - it is impossible, how can Aditya know everything?this can't be happened.

Aditya - Zoya, what are you thinking?

Zoya - How do you know all this?

Zoya was so shocked, there is no expression on her face. Aditya understood Zoya's situation, so he changed the point.

Aditya - Now what Zoya? don't say that you want to spend whole night here, please Zoya I
want to go home, let's go.

Aditya starts car's engine and move his car towards Hooda Castle.

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