Part - 12

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Aditya was distracted by his father's words.

Aditya couldn't understand that to save his existence he would have to put his Zoya's life in danger.

On one side is his father, who cannot live without him and on one side is his  Zoya without whom he cannot live.

After all, what should Aditya do?

Night time somewhere in forest -

There was silence all around and Aditya was sitting alone.

There was none other than Aditya and his loneliness.

Then Sanaya comes there.

Sanaya - Adi, are you okay?

Aditya - Hmmm..

Sanaya - Don't lie to me, Adi. tell me what's bothering you?

Aditya - Dad wants me and Zoya to become one for my existence.

Sanaya - What? What are you saying, Adi? You know na this can't be happened.

Aditya - I know Sanaya, that's why I'm denying dad. I don't want to endanger Zoya's life.

Sanaya - Now what will you do, Adi? what about your love for zoya?

Aditya - Sanaya, with love, there can simply be no force, ever. love is freedom, a choice and a gift. And I don't want to force my  love on Zoya.

Sanaya - I'm so proud of you, my Adi. your love for zoya is beyond this world. I pray, one day you'll get your love back.

Aditya - Thank you Sanaya, can I hug you.

Sanaya - of course, Adi. come my boy.

They hugged each other.

Few days later - Town Market Area -

Old lady - Hey, Zoya. How are you my child.

Zoya gave a beautiful smile and said -
I'm good, Aunty. How are you?

Aunty - I'm also fine.  Zoya what happened to your job? Why you're not going back to work?

Zoya -  because I'm on my holiday leave.

Aunty - oh, I see.

Zoya was about to go but that aunty again stop her.

Aunty - Zoya...

Zoya - Yes, Aunty.

Aunty - A few days ago a handsome boy came to your house, who was that?

Zoya hesitated by aunty's questions.

Zoya - Aunty, that, that boy..... my

Aunty - Yes, that boy is your what?

Zoya - Aunty he...

Aunty - oh, don't be shy zoya, I know he's your boyfriend.

Zoya - What? No, no, no... He's not my boyfriend, Aditya is my boss nothing more.

Aunty - Relax Zoya, I'm just kidding. You may go now because night is going to soon.

Zoya - Ya, Aunty.

Aunty - By the way Aditya is a good boy, think about him.

Zoya - Sure.

Aunty - Bye, take care Zoya.

Pyaar Hai Ya Sazaa Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ