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Skipping back upstairs from breakfast. Yes breakfast, dancing was yesterday. Luckily i never met the man again, everything was somewhat normal.

Dad said to go get dressed so we could have a meeting. We all knew what the meeting was about, after all he announced it other week. A war.

Its not happening if i have anything to do with it!!

We all know what happens in a meeting! Really you don't? Well we all collaborated around a table suggesting ideas of a truce or defensive strategies. I kept kinda quiet at one point, because clearly an elder didn't know i was in the room.

They just had to mention how dad left me last time so he could leave the pack this time! Thats when i exploded though. I even almost threw the table! Okay i settled on a mug at the wall but i could have done it!!

Everyone was so shocked when i stood straight and shouted
"who gives a fuck about the past!? After all it happened years ago, everyone saw how devastated he was. I AM RIGHT HERE! I have my own mind!"

"He put his whole entire pack, your life, before his own flesh and blood. Now if that doesn't say a courageous brave man then i don't know what does." Sitting back down dad just smile right at me before speaking himself.

"You are so amazing. I will be proud to pass the power to the future alpha in the future." Now that hit hard, will i even get the title? I don't even know how long i have.

"thats never gonna happen though." Seeing his confusion i couldn't hold it in anymore.

Running back into my room everything is extremely cold. Looking over at the window theres a huge hole cracked from the outside. Wrapped around a rock was a single note that said.

I'm here for YOU...

who wrote this note!? More importantly why did they want me? You know when you have that sensation that someones watching you, but no ones there? Well i have that, but turning around someone is there.

In fact their there with a bottle in hand. That is until the bottle was smashed on my head, rendering me unconscious...

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