Interrogation part 2

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Aprils POV

"so your the girl." a sweet voice spoke silently and almost afraid to speak.

"i don't know if i am or not but sure i guess so. Can i ask why your here?"

"because they thought i was you. We look similar from how much i have seen of you." The sound of the first door opening makes her shiver in fright "we don't have much time. Please help. Help to get us out of here." Hearing the second and third made her quicken her pace. "whatever you do don't give them the satisfaction they want."

As the final door opened an opening occurred to me. In the far left of the room, unable to have seen it without light.

"Theres not much of you. I know your not the silent time. Their never silent in the begging, like my wife." Between each sentence he took extra long pauses "but their all silent in the end, like my wife. I see i have some new toys here."

His large clobber feet walk slowly towards the table. Both me and my friend flinch to cover our eyes at he empties the contents loudly. Being confined to pure silence most of the time was taking its toll.

"hmm let me see... Oh nice knives!" something i can use to my advantage. He sharpens the knives by scraping them together while walking slowly towards me. "i'm gonna cut your tongue" he breathlessly whispers directly into my ear but retracting at my surprised response.

"Then i really would be silent and you wouldn't get anything out of me." Realising his mistake he retreats but soon returns.

"i'm gonna cut you ear" he really isn't very smart. Laughing i replied.

"oh please do, then i don't have to listen to your scrawny little voice" Earning another slap to the face, my lip is truly bust, it'll heal in seconds.

"did you think the first thing i was going to do was stab you? No i like to play with my food."

"like a child then? That pretty much explains you in general." A kick to the stomach was more painful, due to the strain of the silver on my wrists.

"Theres a cheese grate down here, but hmm it would be to juicy. I know whats best, a saw! Ivan you've screamed enough haven't you?"

"yes i have." Thats a male voice? I hadn't notice until now that there was in fact another victim in the room. Thats what she meant about us, not just me and her but him also.

"Not in that way. Before you see the light, you must die!" He suddenly changed, almost like he was possessed.

Tearing my face away from the scene a heartbreaking scream filled the silence with the rattle of the chains on the saw. No one should ever hear a sound like that. Glancing over at my face he smiles a mischievous smile. It was that moment i knew i had failed to hide my disgust for the weapon.

"yes it is the right tool, for you." Stalking towards me the roar of the engine rushed to my ears. Holding back the whimper as the saw was about to touch my leg.

Watching the machine slowly but quickly cutting through my leg. Expecting a scream he was enraged when not even a sound came from me. Thats because it didn't hurt. I felt no pain at all. Why? I have no idea

A fire erupted through me, starting at my finger tips down to my toes. His hands dropped from the saw, letting the object fall to the floor. Staring at his hands burn scars run from his hands to his forearms.

" did you do that?" It was my turn to smirk.

"don't mess with me bitch or you'll get burned. Literally."

Slowly taking steps away from me while stretching out for the keys he turned and ran. They spoke so strong of him, yet he ran like a baby.

I wonder how strong their structure really is...

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