Lake in the Willow

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Guys i have a big question to ask you all!! As we are closing to an end

i need to ask if you would like some added chapters of other peoples POV's?

Please comment and tell me its much needed!

"WAKE UP! Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up!" I refuse to open my eyes to the jumping intruder on my bed.

"fuck... What time is it?" Sitting up i prize my eyes open to see a very excited Tessa.

"5am! Now get up we're going to the lake!" Shit the lake!!

Jumping out of bed i fell instantly to the floor. My eyes begun to water as i looked at my legs, pale weak and practically see through. Not long now.

Tessa looked at me in confusion and worry. "Dead legs!" I say before pretending to laugh.

Heaving myself onto my feet i grab my red bikini to wear with a white throw, over a floppy hat an my sunglasses. Squeezing out a laugh Tessa drags me to the stairs, where everyone was waiting.

Slowly walking down the stairs Danny's eyes never left mine. Taking my hand he led me to the car. Yawning, he pulled me onto his lap. "sleep baby, i will wake you when we are there." Mumbling a fall into a deeper sleep.

Slowly opening my eyes they adjust to the new found light. 10am, wow i slept for another 5 hours! Looking around i saw no one was longer in the car. Well other than a adorable snoring beauty i am wrapped so tightly under.

Nudging him he slowly opens his eyes. "morning princess." Smiling i peck his cheek making him lean into my touch.

"come one everyones already in the house." Looking around he came to the realisation jumping out the car, me still strongly in his grasp.

Running to the house he ran straight to the balcony over the lake, where everyone either sat or was in the water. NO! No no no no no! "Alpha coming through!!"

Everyone moved to the side as big foot here ran and jumped straight over the balcony letting me go mid air. Shutting my eyes i waited for the shock of the water but it never came. Huh?

Opening my eyes i see that in dangling from the balcony as Danny rises from the water. haha sucker!! Tessa and Lily pull me up onto the balcony. In total there are around equal numbers of 14, 7 lads and 7 girls.

Laughing i turn to Danny in a mocking tone. "Don't let go jack!" Mocking titanic everyone bust out laughing.

-be careful in that bikini. It makes me want to take you right here right now.- Whipping my gaze to Danny his eyes flutter between his and his wolfs. Shit.

It was when i let my guard down and started talking to Tessa when a cold hand gripped my foot dragging me into the water. The shock of the freezing cold water soon subsided once i was in Danny's arms. I smacked his arm playfully.

Laughing at a tipsy Tessa i place her on her bed for her to just jump back up. Leaving her too it i walk back over to mine and Danny's room. Speaking of Danny where is he? He's been gone an hour at least.

Opening my door i see the bed covered in rose petals with a light blue summers dress hooked under a note.

Follow the clues, or you shall lose, Now turn that frown upside down, an meet me at the crown.

Aww how sweet can he get?? Crown what crown? The lake! The lake is a shape of a crown. Quickly putting the dress on i ran outside. The sun was a few hours away from setting leaving a dull yellow glow over the darkened blue sky.

Searching around the balcony i see a little hill just above the trees. Jumping in the rowing boat i sail to the other side of the lake. Once at the top of the small hill i see the lake, a crown indeed.

I perched on a bench awaiting Danny when i find a note beside me. Turning it over it read

congrats to you! You followed the clue! The question now is Willow you find me?

Willow? The willow tree!

Walking towards the willow tree. Yes i said walking, i would run but every few trees there were roses taped to them. When did he have time to do this?

With an arm full of roses i see the face i have been searching for. Right away i was in a grasp swaying from side to side.

He separated the hanging twigs of the willow tree for me to enter. Exposing a romantic blanket with another small pile of roses. "you didn't have to do all this?" i said more of a question.

"of course i did. Your my mate and you should deserve to be treated like that." Turning around he takes my hips in his hold.

Suddenly i lost feeling in my lower half of my body, stomach downwards. Gasping i Half collapsed Danny taking my weight in his hold.

My breathing hitched when i saw from my waist down was no longer full of colour. "Sorry. Just a little tipsy i think."

Laughing he sat me down on the blanket, still a little skeptical of my answer. Relishing in the moment, its nice to think this was my last night of being alive...

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