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Waking, peacefully with a strong arm around my waist. Turning i peck Danny's nose with a kiss yet he still doesn't stir, only a smile on his sleepy face. There is only one way to wake the sleeping male population.

Wafting food under their noses!

Prizing his arm from around me i'm only in my underwear. Grabbing one of Danny's large shirts, putting it on, i walk downstairs to the kitchen.

Laughing i met mom on the stairs. Simultaneously we said. "Men!" Which made us laugh even more walking to the kitchen.

She sat at the table while i poured two cups of coffee. Handing her one i search through the cupboard for something i could use.

"what you looking for baby?"

"Ingredients for pancakes... I can't seem to find the eggs." Taking a sip of coffee she just laughs at me.

"theres a mix right in front of you." Sticking my tongue out i start to make the pancakes. "do you want me to do you some?"

"na its okay. I've inherited serious cooking skills." Catching onto my comment mom plants a kiss on my cheek as she comes for the refrigerator.

Finishing up the pancakes with syrup i place the plate on the table. Smirking at mom i count on my hands how many seconds it took.


Thundering and crashing followed as grunts of pain and banging rushed down the stairs. Peering round the corner i see dad and Danny shoving to get down the stairs first. Haha just noticed dad and Danny, D & D!

Joining us on the table i quickly grabbed a few pancakes for me and mom before they attack. Oh and they attacked. I just couldn't resist the syrup on the edge of Danny's lip. Kissing the syrup of his lip it surprised him with us being directly in front of my parents. Pulling back i left him surprised and a little aroused.

"They were the best pancakes you've ever made sweetie" Dad says leaning in for a kiss.

"ahh well actually i didn't make them." Looking in my direction a huge grin was plastered to my face with pride.

"glad you liked them daddy." Pride rushed through his eyes.

"sorry love but i think they are even better than your mothers." Mom gasped in fake shock placing a hand to her chest as dad stuck his tongue out at her.

Being the polite person i am i take the plates to the sink. As i'm about to start the water seductive hands slowly move around my back to my front. Danny leaned into my neck leaving little kisses up to my ear.

"you look good enough to eat in my shirt." A shiver ran down my spine at his husky voice, damn why was i matched with a sex god.

Holding Danny's hands behind my back i turn to dad who's making out with mom. Gross! Even i have a high PDA rating but that was my limit especially with my parents.

"Dad can i come on a boundary run with you today?" Pulling away from mom with her fingers still laced in his hair.

"Sure Darlin come get me when you wanna go." Immediately going back to making out with mom, GROSS!!

Half running to my room i shout out to them. "Get a room!! Coz thats what i'm doing!!" Danny's eyes shone at the thought of us going to get a room together.

"then use a condom!! Or don't because i want grandchildren!!!"

WHAT THE FUCK!! Frankly i'm stood at the top of the stairs mouth agape at what my mother. My ACTUAL MOTHER! Just told me. Like really!

Snapping out of my mini heart attack i turn walking Danny to our bedroom. Closing the door as soon as we got in. Danny's arms, one either side of my shoulders, pinned me to the door.

"Can i take you up on that offer? Ya know since we're in the room, alone." Holding onto 'alone' for too long intended that we could do what we liked. Our faces were millimetres apart, unable to even speak without touching lips with each other.

Jumping up his hands took their firm place upon my hips as my legs wrap around his waist. Walking forward he pins my back against the wall as we fight for dominance of the kiss. Surprisingly i won.

The kiss quickly became feirs involving the shirt he was wearing to be on the floor. Feeling his buddy against my thigh i knew i had him extremely turned on.

Pushing against him as i jumped down he whimpered away from my touch, and a tad sad that i had pushed him away. A devious smirk was on my face as i creeped up to him. Trailing my fingers up his toned chest to his lips.

"i have a run to go to."

With that i sprinted out the door, leaving him aroused and alone. Hearing a needy growl and a shout for me to come back made me laugh. There was no chance he was leaving that room with a boner.

Dad met me at the door all ready to go. Smiling we walked out to see the pups playing in the back garden. Since its only about 9am on a Saturday morning the other wolves were probably only just stirring.

Walking straight into the woods we both changed and shifted, chasing each other to the edge.

Not watching where i was going i accidentally ran into someone. They turned around snarling at me. Well i wasn't expecting that.

"you might as well go play with the others your age in the back yard pup."

Anger raged through me. Glancing at my fur i am pure black but with no flame. Perhaps it turns on and off.

~Lets take this bastard down~
~Agreed! I will take control and bring his sorry ass to the floor.~

With that my wolf- Wow i don't even know her name. She just said i'm your wolf. Lets call her flame. Flame took control of my body automatically igniting my fur in flames.

Fear shon through his eyes as he saw me, slowly taking a few steps back with a slight limp on his front right. BANG! Weakness, flame noticed too and i could feel her smiling.

Lunging to the left he jumps to his right automatically leaning on his bed leg. Taking his lack of focus flame grips his tail in her teeth whipping him in the air, then full body slamming him to the floor.

The surrounding wolves stood around the shock. I leaned to his ear and barked with my alpha tone.

"don't ever speak to an alpha like that! Especially me! I do not under any circumstances take bull shit from other people including you!"

Finishing what we started he took a strong, let me reframe that, unearthly strong kick to his kings jewels. All the surrounding male population cowered while protecting their own jewels in sympathy for the man.

Trotting over to dad he just stands proud at his daughters actions.

"Well that was fun!" Nuzzling my head on his he leads my walk along the boundary line.

The man had slowly stood by the time i walked past. To take the mic even more i pretended to lunge and i dived for the floor. Rolling my eyes i ran to keep up with father.

That was amazing back there. They really trained you well. ~D

Thanks daddy. I kinda let my wolf take control because shes a better fighter than i am. We kinda just wanted to see his sorry ass on the floor. ~A

Come i want to show you something.~ D


Dad took off running towards the middle of the woods as i followed, uncertain of what i am to see.

As he slowed down i looked up to see a sort of three story tree house. Now that is cool!! My mouth was agape even as a wolf.

I ran straight for the entrance shifting back to my human form to climb the tree. But my dad stood in wolf form fear and shocked obvious on his face.

Glancing down at my body i am covered with fire in the shape of clothing. Now thats even more cool! Raising my brows dad just shook his wolf head in jealousy...

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